Hard Rock Trolls

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Disclaimer: I don't own Trolls.

(With Barb and the others)

"Queen Barb?"

"What Riff?" She looked at him.

"Everything is packed. "Where to first?" He asked.

"Techno Reef." She said.

"Yes ma'am." He said.

"Let's go, everyone. The trolls will soon be united under rock!" She yelled, causing them to cheer.

Every rock troll entered the Angler Buses. It soon took off to Techno Reef. There was a party going on there and when the techno trolls spotted them they paused. Their king made their way over. He looked at Barb with a cautious, friendly smile.

"Hey man. There he is. King Trollex of the techno trolls, correct?" Her smile wasn't so friendly.

"Yes. Who's asking?" He asked.

" Queen Barb." That got her a confused look. "Of the hard rock trolls." Still looks of confusion.

"Okay. How may I help you?" He asked.

"You can help me by giving me your string." She ordered.

"What? But that string contains our music." He said.

"You mean those bleeps and bloops?" She laughed. "Let me show you what real music is." She smirked.

"Let's do this!" One of the band members yelled.

"All right!" Another said as they began to play their instruments.

"Yeah!" Barb yelled out as she played on her guitar.

As they played, red energy seemed to come from their instruments. It hit the techno trolls and forced them back. It terrified the trolls and their king looked horrified.

"Here I am!" She sang. "Rocking on a hurricane!"

Her guitar released red energy that sliced through the coral. All techno trolls were shocked and horrified. Trollex looked at Barb.

"Stop!" He yelled. "What are you doing? That took us years to build this place."

"Give me the string or else I will destroy your home and your people." She warned him.

"Fine." He took the string and gave it to her. "I will do anything for my trolls." He told her.

"Yeah, about that...." Barb grinned. "Round them up!" She yelled.

"What?!" He was shocked and alarmed.

Before more could be said the techno trolls were rounded up and put them in an angler bus. They were soon taken away. Barb sneered before her and the rest of the rock trolls destroyed Techno Reef. Once that was done they left and made their way to Symphonyville.

(With Poppy)

'All done.' Poppy said as she looked at the scrapbook she finished making.

"Poppy?" It was her wife.

"In here." She said.

"Did you go to bed at all?" She asked.

"No." She admitted.

"Of course not." She rolled her eyes. "What have you been doing?" She asked.

"Making a plan." She answered as she held up the scrapbook. "And scrapbooking it."

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