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Disclaimer: I don't own Trolls.

(With Creek)

The purple troll smiled after leaving Crystal's pod. She had been helping him with a certain project. There were a few trolls that saw this and hoped to use this to get Creek and Branch to break up. Too bad for them that Branch knew he was with Crystal. He was hanging out with his cousin. Creek found it funny that many forgot Crystal and him were cousins.

Sure they looked different. He had purple skin and she had light green skin. His hair was blue, teal, and green. Her hair was light pink. His eyes were blue and hers were pink. Their noses were both peach colored though.

They were both spiritual trolls. He taught yoga and she helped trolls meditate and told them about their auras. The two were very close. Creek looked like his dad and uncle. She looked like her mom.

Creek and Crystal had similar personalities though. Both were narcissistic but she was kinder. She was one of the few trolls that was never mean to Branch. It was one of the things they used to fight about. He hadn't seen her in a while due to her locking herself away. She had lost her baby and was grieving. Branch told him when he had the trolls hide in his bunker that Crystal had wished the bergen had taken her because life wasn't worth living.

That made him sad. Luckily her husband, Galaxy, had taken her to a therapist. She still had rough days but at least she talked to the other trolls and left the nursery and pod. He made a mental note to talk to Galaxy. He wasn't allowing anyone to set his cousin back from the progress she was making.

Creek made his way back home. When he got there he found Smudge telling Branch where he saw Creek and that the purple troll was smiling. Branch snorted at that.

"Crystal is Creek's cousin."

That made the troll stop smiling. "What?"

"He's correct. I was hanging out with my cousin." Creek said as he came up behind him.

"O-oh." He ran off after that.

"Brat." Branch muttered.

"Indeed he is. If we ever have kids we will make sure they don't end up like that."

"His parents didn't raise him that way."

"No. They didn't like you because you were different and trained their kids that way."

"They apologized and so did you." He knew that Creek was still feeling guilty about that.

"I know." He sighed.

Branch hugged his boyfriend. "You, like many others, have learned from your mistakes. Many of you have done a lot to make up for it and no one bullies me anymore."

"I know." He nuzzled his neck.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Let's get inside."


The two went inside. Branch made lunch and they spent the rest of the day snuggling. Creek woke up early the next morning. He managed to wake before Branch. He changed and went to his cousin's pod. He picked up a package and went home. Branch was surprised to see him up so early.

"Morning." He greeted the blue troll.

"Good morning. You're up early."

"I know. I woke up to pee and couldn't go back to sleep." He lied.


"I made breakfast."

"Thanks." He smiled.

"You're welcome."

"Oh so I will be with Biggie all day. He's expanding his store and asked me to help."

"Okay. I'm glad his shop is so successful."

"Me too."

After he ate, Branch left. Creek cleaned the dishes before getting to work. He set up the living room and the bedroom. He then prepared the meal. He stopped to eat lunch. Once done he put the package in the planned area. He then changed.

When Branch entered the pod he gasped. The living room now had a strip of twinkle lights on the wall. The couch and chairs had been removed along with the bookcase. In their place was a soft looking light blue blanket. Small candles were placed around the room. Food was on the blanket.


"Just a second love!"


A few seconds later Creek entered the room. He was wearing a suit. He handed Branch some clothes. Instead of questioning it he changed and returned to the living room. They sat on the floor and began eating.

"How did it go at Biggie's?"

"Great. We will finish the expansion in a week."

"That's good." He smiled.

They talked about the expansion for a bit and then came dessert. Creek handed Branch a covered plate. Branch shot him a look of confusion but took the plate. He removed the covering and gasped. On the plate was a ring. It was a silvery-blue color. A single blue diamond in the shape of a triangle was in the middle.

"Will you marry me?" He asked.

"Yes!" He grabbed Creek and kissed him.

Creek smiled into the kiss. He was so happy that Branch said yes. He pulled back and placed the ring on his finger. He then kissed him again. They ate dessert and went to the bedroom. Creek spent all night making love to his fiancé.

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