More Trolls?

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Disclaimer: I don't own Trolls.


"Queen Barb?" It was a troll in a black hat.

"What?" She looked at the male.

"Everything is all set." He told her.

"Good. Get the invitations sent out." She ordered.

"Yes ma'am." He quickly did as told.

"Soon." She cackled. "Soon."

(With Branch)

Branch was in his bunker. He was making the hospital some more ointments. It was quiet and peaceful. It was a relief. His wedding was in a month and things were getting more hectic. He blamed Poppy of course. That girl was such a pain but he wouldn't change that for the world. Still it was nice to be alone for the moment.

"BRANCH!" He heard the queen yell.

'That sounds serious.' He put down what he was doing and went to find her. "What's wrong?"

"Look!" She pointed at the strange creature. "It tried to tackle Biggie."

"I see." He glared at the odd creature.

"What should we do?" She asked.

"I have an idea." He filled her in.

"That sounds dangerous." She bit her lip.

"I know but it is the only way. I don't have time to make proper traps for it and it has already bypassed the ones already set up." He told her.

"Okay. Be careful."

"I will." He promised.

He quickly tackled the creature. Soon he did a series of comforting pats and rubs and calmed it down. He grabbed the letter and handed it to Poppy. Creek grabbed his fiance and hugged him close. When he saw Branch tackle the thing it really scared him.

"Sorry." The blue troll said.

"I understand why, Love. Just scared me."

"I know." He nuzzled his neck.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"What does the letter say?" DJ asked.

"It's an invitation." Poppy answered. "A world tour for Queen Barb and the rock trolls." That confused her.

"Rock trolls?" Her wife asked.

"No idea." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Hiya!" Peppy yelled.

The former king ran and grabbed the letter from Peppy. They all watched as he ate the letter. Branch was quick to calm him down. Poppy stared at her father and wondered what was going on. DJ beat her to it.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked.

"N-nothing. There are no rock trolls." He nervously laughed.

"Dad." It was said sternly.

"Yes dear?" He looked so innocent.

"Explain." She said.

"Fine. There are other trolls out there." He told them.

"What?" That was a shock.

"There are other trolls out there. They are different from us. Their music and dancing is different. They don't even comprehend hammer time." He said.

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