Moved In

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Disclaimer: I don't own Trolls.

(Branch and Creek)

"This is the last bag." Branch said.

"Good." He smiled, not complaining with what Branch had brought with him.

"Yup. Thanks." He said softly.

"Branch, I don't mind at all. You lived in a bunker. You built a home underground so that you could be safe. Now you are moving into a pod. If these things help you feel safe then I am all for it." Creek told him.

Branch smiled and hugged him. "I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed him. "Now let's get you unpacked."


The two unpacked Branch's bags. Once down Creek made dinner and the two ate. After dinner Creek went to their room to meditate and Branch read a book. That's when he heard voices outside the door. He put his book down and crept over.

"Come on Armsly!" A girl hissed.

"No. I'm not tormenting Branch anymore. Do I like him? No. He ruined my sixth birthday party. He also ruined my seventh and eighth birthday party. Was he right about the bergens? Yes he was. Were we wrong to destroy his pictures? Absolutely. We were punished and now we move on with our lives. We are just going to get into more trouble if we try."

"You can't do this to us! Don't back out now!" Tulip yelled.

"Just stop. We don't have to like Branch. We also don't have to be jerks to him." He responded.

"Armsly, he is dating Creek. That freak has corrupted Creek."

"He didn't. Branch saved him, they fixed their toxic relationship, and fell in love."

"It's not right." Meadow said.

"Just stop." Armsly said.

"I can't believe you turned on us." Smudge said,

"I didn't turn. I'm just not going to do this anymore. It's not worth it."

"You'll pay for this." He vowed.

"Whatever. Just know that you will be in trouble and not me."

"We'll see." The voices faded away and Branch rolled his eyes.

He sighed and went to go find Creek. The purple troll was still meditating. Branch quickly wrote a note and left it near Creek. He then left and went to find Peppy. He was acting king until Poppy and DJ came back from their honeymoon.


"Hey sir." He quickly explained what happened.

"Of course." He sighed. "Thank you for telling me."

"You're welcome."

"Did you finish moving today?"

"I did." He smiled.

"I'm really happy for you both."

"Thank you sir."

"You're welcome."

"Well I should get back."

"Alright. Goodbye Branch."

"Bye king Peppy."

Branch went back home after that. Peppy sighed and went to go see the parents of the three trolls that refused to quit causing trouble. He hated that he had to keep doing this and that his daughter had to keep doing this. It was ridiculous. He told each parent what was going on. They agreed to keep an eye out.

When the blue troll arrived back home Creek was in the kitchen. He looked over when his lover entered the pod.

"Hey. Why did you go see King Peppy?" He asked.

With a sigh Branch explained. Creek rolled his eyes in annoyance. He was happy that Armsly seemed to be growing up. Branch came up and hugged him from behind.

"I know." He muttered into the troll's shoulder. "But I'm glad I have you." That made the purple troll smile.

"Me too."

"I love you."

"I love you too. I just hate this." He sighed. "I just wish those damn trolls would get over the fact that we are dating."

"Me too. How about you finish up the food, we eat, and then I will give you a massage. You can pick the lotion."

"That sounds good." He smiled.


The two did just that. Creek felt like he was in heaven after the massage. Afterwards the two went to bed. Creek loved sleeping next to Branch and Branch loved sleeping next to Creek.

(With DJ and Poppy)

Two weeks later DJ and Poppy took the quick trip back home. Their wonderful honeymoon came to an end. The two were very happy. They went to their pod first to unpack. Once done they went to see Peppy and get filled in on what happened while they were gone.

"Poppy!" Her dad smiled. "DJ!" He hugged them both.

"Dad!" Poppy hugged him back.

"Hey Peppy." DJ smiled and hugged back.

"How was your honeymoon?" He asked.

"Wonderful." The two said.

With a sigh he told them what happened. The two were annoyed. Armsly was the only one growing up. Since they were being watched they had yet to retaliate but it was only a matter of time. It really annoyed the two.

"They really need to stop." DJ said.

"They do." Peppy agreed.

"Anything else?" Poppy asked.

"No. Will I be getting any grandkids yet?" He asked.

The two girls chuckled at that. ""Not yet dad."

"Oh." He pouted.


"Liar!" He glared.

"Maybe." She smirked.

"Terrible child."

"Thank you." She smiled.

"Ugh!" He turned and left.

"Love you dad!" She yelled after him.

"I love you too!" He called back.

"Come on DJ let's go greet our friends."


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