The Bunker

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Disclaimer: I don't own Trolls.

"Here we are." Branch said to Creek.

Creek for a moment looked for a pod. It was on instinct. Instead he found a boulder and a mat. He smirked when he read 'Go Away' on the mat. He knew exactly who it was for.

"The mat is for Poppy, isn't it?" Creek asked despite knowing the answer.

Branch smirked back. "Yeah."

"Did it work?" Once more he knew the answer.

"No." This time he sounded annoyed.

"Sorry." Poppy sometimes didn't understand what no actually meant or what personal space was.

"Not your fault." He shrugged.

"True." Some people seemed to assume so.

Branch lifted the rug up and opened up the grass covered door. He motioned for Creek to enter first. He then went through.

"Wow!" He gasped.

"What?" He looked confused as Creek began climbing down.

"I...that's clever." The purple troll complimented.

"Thank you." The gray troll blushed as he locked the door behind him.

"You're welcome." Creek wondered if he had been the first to praise the survivalist.

He watched Branch pull a level that was well hidden. The two began to go down.

"Cool." Creek complimented.

"T-thanks." The blush deepened.

They passed many levels of different types of supplies and food. Creek noticed that the hole above them closed up. He was very impressed.

Soon they reached the bottom of the bunker. It looked to hold some supplies and was an entrance way. The writings on the wall shocked Creek. He had no idea Branch was this paranoid. Branch walked towards a door causing Creek to follow. Once he was inside the room Creek was amazed to see that it was a training room.

"Will this be good? The meditation rooms aren't available yet." Branch asked.

Branch wanted to get the bedrooms finished first. So far he only had seven rooms finished. He wanted four more. One was in the process of getting built. Next he planned building the bathrooms.

"Yeah." Creek was still stunned.

"Good. That blue door," He points to it. "Leads to the living room. There is a green door that leads to the kitchen. The red door will lead to the planning room slash my office. The gray door leads to my bedroom. Please stay in the training room and the rooms I mentioned. I am still working on other areas so it is dangerous."

"Okay. Thank you." He said.

"No problem. When you're done, come see me in my office." He said.


Creek walked over to the mats. He grabbed one and laid it out. He then sat down in his usual position. The purple troll began to meditate.

Branch watched him for a few moments before he went to his office/planning room. He needed to figure out why he was being so nice to a troll that was so awful to him. He also wanted to go over building plans.

After a couple hours of meditation Creek's head was clear. He sat there and thought about what he saw written on the walls.

Creek was feeling really guilty. He never realized that Branch wasn't trying to ruin their fun just because he hates fun. The survivalist actually thought the Bergins were going to find them. He was afraid they were going to get eaten.

Creek then remembered Branch's grandmother. She had been eaten by the chef. She was known to snack on trolls even when it wasn't Trollstice. Creek realized Branch turned gray after her death. If he recalled correctly Branch blamed himself. Afterwards he became grumpy.

The guilt Creek was feeling was overwhelming. He quickly stood up and went to the office. He knew he had to apologize. He had been such a jerk. No one deserved to be treated that way and Creek wished he had seen that way before this. He just hoped it wasn't too late to make things right.

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