Big News

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Disclaimer: I don't own Trolls.


Peppy was the first to arrive. He had a feeling as to what was going on. He didn't say anything and wouldn't until he was told. He had seen the ring on DJ's finger so he assumed they were engaged. He smiled and hugged his daughter.

"Thank you for inviting me to dinner." He said.

"You're welcome."

"Good evening DJ."

"Sup Peppy." She smiled at him.

"You're the first to arrive." Poppy told him. "What would you like to drink?"

"Sweet tea is fine."


Peppy sat down at the table. Poppy handed him his drink. It wasn't long until the others arrived. They greeted each other and sat down. Drinks and dinner were served. CJ Suki noticed something on her aunt's finger.

"Aunt DJ?"


"That's a pretty ring." She said.

They all looked at DJ's finger. It was a rose gold with a pink diamond. DJ looked at her niece and smiled.

"Thank you. Poppy gave it to me."

"That's nice of her."

"It was."

"The least I could do since you agreed to marry me." Poppy said with a huge grin on her face.

They stared at Poppy. They weren't shocked that the two were engaged. That they were expecting. No, they were shocked by how they announced it. She saw the looks she was getting and her smile widened. DJ sighed at that. Peppy sent his future daughter in law a sympathetic look. He knew his daughter well.

"Congratulations." Their family said.

'Thanks." The girls replied.

"Can I be a flower girl?" CJ asked.

"Of course."

"Yes!" She cheered.

The group ate dinner and talked about the wedding. Peppy and DJ's parents felt a small wave of sadness. Their daughters were grown up and getting married. They were no longer the little girls they had raised. They were happy for the two, just sad that so much time had passed.

(With Branch)

The blue troll smiled as he continued to work. He was making Poppy and DJ an engagement present. He was truly happy for them and wanted to make them something really special. It was hard doing something unique since the whole tribe was getting them gifts. He had seen them and noticed that they had received many picture frames and specialized mugs.

He planned on making them a picture frame until then. His plans changed and he was working hard on his gift. The party was that night and he was finishing that last of it up. This was going to be the first party he was going to since they escaped twenty years ago. He was nervous.

Knock Knock

Branch quickly painted the last spot and smiled. He put the brush into the water and moved his gift to a spot to dry. He cleaned his hands and went to answer the door.

Knock Knock Knock

The blue haired troll opened the door and smiled when he spotted his boyfriend. It was still weird for him. Not only did he have a boyfriend, it was Creek. It amazed him how much his life had changed. The purple troll smiled at him and leaned forward to kiss him.


"Afternoon." Branch said.

"How's the gift coming along?"

"I just finished it. Come see."


Branch grabbed Creek's hand and pulled him through the bunker. Creek allowed it and he followed behind his boyfriend in amusement. Soon they arrived in the office. Branch pulled him over and Creek looked over the gift.

"Whoa! This is amazing." He complimented.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes really."

"Thanks." He blushed.

"You're welcome."

Creek pulled Branch to him. He hated how much Branch doubted himself. He was a talented and amazing troll and he wished Branch could see that. He would show his boyfriend that. It would take time. In the meantime he snuggled his boyfriend close.

"Poppy and DJ are going to love it." He assured.

"I hope so." He sighed into his chest.

"They will."


"Go get ready. The party will be starting soon."


Branch removed himself from Creek and went to take a shower. Creek took out the clothes he wanted his boyfriend to wear before going over to the gift and looking it over. He was pleased to see that it was dry. He began wrapping it.

"You have a problem." Branch said.

"What?" He asked as he looked his boyfriend over.

Creek picked out an emerald green vest and black shorts. Around his neck was the new necklace Creek had given to him the day before. It was silver with a silver firefly at the end.

The blue eyed troll gave him an unimpressed look and gestured at his outfit. "This is the sixth time you have picked out my clothes.

"So? I don't like our outfits clashing."

Branch rolled his eyes. He knew Creek just liked dressing him and really hated his old clothes. He did admit that he liked that they complimented each other. Creek wore lime green pants. That still didn't mean he wanted Creek to continue to do so but he had a feeling Creek wouldn't stop.

"If you say so."

"I do." He smiled.

"Thanks for wrapping the gift." He said.

"You're welcome." He smiled. "Let's go."

"Do you have your gift?" He asked.

"I already dropped it off. I like yours better." He admitted.

"But yours compliments mine."

"True." He smiled and kissed him.

"Um, can I plan our next date?" Branch asked.

All the dates they had gone on were planned by Creek. Don't get the blue troll wrong. He loved each date. He just wanted to plan one. Creek always made him feel special and he wanted to do the same for Creek.

"Of course." He smiled.


Branch grabbed the gift and the two left the bunker. They made their way to the party. Branch placed his gift on the table with the others. It was next to Creek's. They then joined the others.

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