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Disclaimer: I don't own Trolls.

(With Pop Trolls)

"Who knew a rock house could be homey." Legsly said.

"My bunker is homey." Branch pouted.

"Sorry, Branch. I didn't mean it like that." She said, "I just meant that it doesn't freak me out." She was uneasy being underground or in a cave.

"Good." He smiled.

"Trust me, that time I was in your bunker I forgot I was underground at all." She said.

"That's good." He said, still trying not to think about that time.

"Oh, right, Sorry." She was still angry at her cousin for that.

"It's alright." He said.

"It's not." She said.

"It is. What they did was wrong but it has been dealt with and no one will do it again. Plus I was able to learn more about my grandma." He said.

"I guess." She knew better than to argue with him.

"So do you know how bad the damage is?" He asked.

"Damage? To our homes?" She asked.

"Yes. I want to start making a few plans." He said.

"I took some pictures." Biggie said. "I figured you would need them."

"Thanks Biggie." Branch took the pictures.

"You're welcome." He said sadly.

"Hmm." He looked through them and got to work.

"Alright everyone. No bugging Branch." Creek said.

"Okay!" They agreed.

"Don't worry. We will keep quiet." Guy promised.

"Thank you." Branch smiled at them.

"You're welcome." He smiled back at him.

With that Branch looked through the photos and began drawing up blueprints. Of course he would consult the others since it was their homes and their business. The others appreciated it. When it came time to draw up plans for the trolls that weren't in that rock house he would leave and consult them. They too appreciated it. After some time he put the blueprints away and crawled into bed to get some much needed rest.

(With Barb)

"Damage? To our homes?" Barb overheard a troll ask.

"Yes. I want to start making a few plans." Another answered.

"I have pictures. I figured you would need them." A third troll said.

"Thanks Biggie." The first said.

Barb teared up and ran odd. Guilt was clenching at her chest. They had been talking about their home, which she ordered to be destroyed. She made them homeless and it was all her fault. She was soon in her own home. She went to her bed and laid down. She sobbed her heart out into her pillow.

'I really am no better than those pop trolls in the past. Actually I am worse. They tried to take their music and I destroyed their homes.' She thought.

Knock Knock

"Barb! I know you are in there! Open up!" Riff yelled.

"Go away!" She yelled back.


"Go!" She yelled.

"No! You are my friend and I know you are upset. Please let me in!"

"No! Go away!" She yelled back.

"I'm staying right here until you let me in." He said.

Barb didn't believe him. She turned back to her pillow and cried. She ended up falling asleep. Riff stayed at her door. He had sat down and waited. Eventually he too fell asleep. That was where Barb found him the next morning.

"You really did stay." She said, shocked.

"Huh?" He looked confused.

"I can't believe you stayed here the whole night." She said.

"Of course I did. We are friends."

"Even after I treated you like a servant?" She asked.

"Not happy about that but even after that." He said.

"Thank you." That warmed her heart.

"You're welcome. So do you want to talk about what upset you last night?" The hat wearing troll asked.

"I overheard the pop trolls talking about rebuilding their village." She whispered.

"Oh." He blinked.

"Yeah. I feel so bad for what I did." She said.

"What we did was wrong and all we can do is help them rebuild." He said.

"I know." She said.

"Good." He said.

"Yeah." She still felt guilty.

"Let's look forward to being better trolls." He said.

"Yeah." She smiled a little.

"Ready to get some building done?" He asked.

"I am." She confirmed. "I even came up with teams." She said.

"Where am I?" He asked.

"We," She gestured to them both. "are going to pop village."

"Sounds good." He smiled. "W-what about Glam Rock?" He asked.

Glam Rock was a hard rock troll Riff was crushing on. He was too nervous to ask her out despite Barb and the others encouraging him. He also denied having a crush on her. No one believed him. Barb knew just what to do.

"Pop village." She answered.

"Cool." He said, blush covering his face.

"Uh-huh." She smirked. "Just ask her out already."

"W-why would I ask her out? I don't like her that way."

"Yeah right." She rolled her eyes. "Let's go."

"Let's." Relieved that the topic would be going away.

She told him where the hard rock trolls were going to go and they went around informing those trolls. Soon they all separated and went to their designated groups. Barb, Riff, Glam Rock and the band went with the pop trolls.

"Before we leave I would like to apologize once more for what I did." Barb said to them.

"I can't speak for the rest of my trolls but I forgive you." Poppy said, holding her egg.

"Glad you know you don't speak for me." Branch said.

"If you had gone to bed earlier you wouldn't be so cranky~" She sang.

"Maybe someone should have stopped singing after a while." He shot back.

"Branch! Poppy!" Creek glared at them.

"Enough!" DJ said. "Honestly." She sighed.

"Sorry." The two said.

"We plan on putting the past in the past. Like we said, we only give second chances." The orange haired queen warned.

"Understood." The red haired Hard Rock queen said.

"Wonderful. Are we ready to go?" She asked her pop trolls.

"Yes Queen DJ." They said.

"Then let's go home." She said.

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