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Disclaimer: I don't own Trolls.

(With Peppy)

Peppy and his daughter bounce ideas off each other before coming to a just punishment. He then left her pod. He went around and visited the elderly trolls around the city. He was hoping one of them had pictures of Rosiepuff. If they did then he hoped they would be willing to give him a copy. He wanted to cheer the former gray troll up.

He was careful with how he asked them. He didn't want them to know what had happened. They may try to protect their children and/or grandchildren. Soon he was at Silver Dream's Pod. She had been Rosiepuff's best friend. She had wanted to take Branch in but the child refused. She was one of the few trolls that knew why Branch had turned gray. She was the only one he would tell the situation to. She would help him. At least he hoped so.

"Good afternoon Peppy. How may I help you?" She asked.

"May I come in? I have something I need to tell you." He said.

"Sure." Her face wrinkled in concern.

He entered her pod and she closed the door behind her. He sat down at the kitchen table. He then began to tell her what happened. Silver Dream was less than impressed. She was furious. She went over to her bookcase and grabbed her photo album. She went through it and took out a few pictures and handed them over to Peppy.

"Here you go." She said, "How is he?"

"Creek's with him." He said.


A year ago she wouldn't have said that. She would have been worried and questioning everyone for allowing it to happen. Now though she knew Creek was good for Branch. When they were in that pot she watched as Branch's colors returned. They returned because of Creek.

"Thanks for these." He said.

"You're welcome. Don't worry. I'll help you find the ones that destroyed Branch's property. It had better not be my grandson." She said.

"I don't believe so. He was the one to come to me when they tried this before." He said.

"That's true." She said.

"Well if you will excuse me I must get these pictures to Branch." He said. "Bye."

"Bye. Let me know how Branch is doing." She said.

"I will."


Peppy left after that. He went to Branch's bunker. He knocked and waited. He wasn't surprised that Creek answered.

"Hello Creek. How is he?" He asked.

"Sleeping. He cried, ate some food, and then he cried himself to sleep." The purple troll answered.

"I see." He frowned at that. "Well after my daughter told me what happened I went around and collected these." He handed the pictures over.

"Oh wow. Thanks sir." He said as he held the pictures carefully.

"It was no trouble. Thank you for taking care of him. I know how much he loved his grandmother and how he blamed himself for her death." He said.

"He told me." It still broke his heart.

"I need to get going. Please keep me updated on how he is doing." He said.

"I will." Creek promised.

"Good. Goodbye Creek."

"Bye Peppy."

Peppy left after that. He went back to his daughter and informed her of what she did. Poppy was happy. She told them that they had a lead. Silver Dream's grandson, Spirit, had come to her. He told her about the time in the bunker. He recalled a group of trolls that had left the area they had been in.

"He said Tulip, Meadow, Armsly, and Smudge were missing for a couple hours before returning. He thought it was odd, especially seeing as they said they went to use the bathroom and they came from the wrong door and were all together." She told him.

"They were the ones to suggest breaking into Branch's home last time." He said.

"I know. Spirit said he would help get a confession out of them since they didn't know he was the one to come to you the first time." She said, "Sky Toronto is giving us a device that will help us record it."

"Good. Make sure everyone is being careful." He said.

"I will." She promised.


"Yeah. Want some tea?" She asked.

"Yes I do. Thanks sweetie."

"You're welcome."

(With Creek and Branch)

Branch was still asleep by the time Creek returned to him. Creek grabbed a few things and sat down near the bed. He began crafting. He really hoped Branch liked what he did. He also hoped it would cheer him up. He hated seeing his boyfriend this way. A few hours later the blue troll finally woke up.

"Creek?" Branch said sleepily as he woke.

"Right here love. How are you?" He asked.

"My head hurts." He admitted.

"I'll get you something for it." He said.


Creek left the room to get some painkillers and a glass of water. He returned and gave them to Branch. The blue troll thanked him before he took the pills.

"What were you doing on the floor?" Branch asked.

"I told Poppy the reason you were so upset. She told her dad and he went around and collected some photos of your grandmother." Branch gasped at that. "I made a few frames and a scrapbook." He handed them over.

Branch shakily put them on the bed. He looked at the pictures, the frames, and the scrapbook. He never thought he would see a picture of his grandma again and the frames Creek made were beautiful and he loved the scrapbook. Once done he carefully left the bed and hugged Creek close.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." He said.

"You're welcome." He kissed his forehead.

"Love you."

"I love you too."

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