The Attack

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Disclaimer: I don't own Trolls.

Creek was in a meadow that he went to in the morning. He meditated there alone every morning. Even though he loved and cared about the other trolls he needed moments away from them.

Unfortunately a huge creature snuck up behind him. Creek didn't notice said creature opening its mouth to reveal two rows of long, sharp, pointy teeth. Just as it was about to eat him he was pushed back.

Creek opened his eyes when he was pushed. Before he could yell at the person who pushed him he took in the sight in front of him.

Branch, a self-outcast, was whipping his hair at a horrifying creature. It looked like a scarier version of a spider. It was a dark leaf green. Its eight eyes seemed to have a red glint to them. It was the size of two trolls. The legs of the spider were brown and the hairs looked very sharp and pointy. It was then that he realized that the gray troll had just saved him.

Soon he pushed the creature out of the meadow. Branch turned and looked at Creek.

"Are you okay?" He asked in concern.

"Y-yeah. Thank you Branch." He barely stopped himself from hugging the gray troll.

"No problem. Be more careful next time." He said.

"I will. What was that thing?" He had never seen it before.

"It is a species of spider called the silent creeper. Due to their large size they prey on us trolls. This must be its new hunting grounds." He answered.

"I see. Well thanks again, mate." He hid his shaky hands.

"Just be careful next time." The survivalist frowned as he surveyed the area.

"I will." Creek promised.

Branch left once Creek agreed. The guru troll stood there for a few moments staring in the direction Branch left at. He shook himself out of his thoughts and went home. He denied the blush that had been on his face.

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