Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

    The ground was beating, Damian sank into the ground, the dark ground, Damian narrowed his eyes sinisterly, remembering Minghui's actions, and let out a contemptuous sound.

    The reason why he chose Ming Fai to cooperate with him was because Da Mian liked his stinginess and greed.

    Being stingy and greedy, only those who are full of evil thoughts can be tempted by benefits.

    As for the monsters who were instigated by it, still want to get a share of the dragon's lair from it? dream.

    Whether it is Minghui or the bewitched monsters, they are pawns for Da Mian, a means to confuse the law.

    Before the goal is achieved, the existence of laws is an important obstacle for Da Mian. It wanders between humans and monsters, trying to solve the problem in order to evade the laws, but it has picked it all up.

    Just sit back and reap the rewards.

    Those ignorant little monsters still want to drive humans away and open the dragon's lair to hurt humans, the law will not sit idly by.

    As for Minghui, if he successfully lures the little monster who comes as a key, its plan will be fulfilled.

    Tiger Media Temple is on the hillside.

    That is to say, they are going to prepare to climb the mountain. I heard that the climbing path is long and steep.

    "Ah! When it was built, didn't you think of building the Tiger Media Temple a little lower? How easy it is for us to go. We didn't eat enough at noon, and we had to climb the mountain in the afternoon..." Yao Xinning, who was looking for a hat, deliberately made a joke, fiercely Stamping his feet, "What a crime!"

    Gao Wei was obediently wearing the hiking shoes he had prepared in advance, the laces were tightly tied, "Perhaps he wanted to tell you that a good relationship is not so easy to find, if you give up now, I still have more chances."

    Yao Xinning glanced at Wu Wenhua's back through the window, "This kid is lazy, he doesn't even bother to climb mountains, hmph, he must not be a good match."

    Gao Wei straightened up, stomped his feet, and checked his shoes Whether the belt is tied firmly, "I have been there a long time ago, more than once, and I am much more urgent than you." In the

    corner of the room, a fierce howl suddenly broke out.

    The three of them turned their gazes at the same time.

    The little monster sat on Mingyu's lap, firmly restrained by his strong arms, tightly restricting her movements, no matter how much she thumped, it would be futile.

    Ming Yu's other hand was putting on her small shoes.

    "If you just listen to the voice, you'll think you're abusing her." Old Yu moved closer to watch the commotion, and fiddled with the little shoes placed next to him. The little one was placed in the palm of his hand, which was quite cute.

    Mingyu was also helpless, a little resentment overflowed from his eyes, and he glanced lightly at the little white fat man in his arms.

    "Stop pedaling, if you continue howling, others will think I'm killing a pig!"

    Ming Yu's forehead was dripping with sweat, and he didn't understand why Xing Xing was so resistant to wearing shoes.

    Why resist? Because no one would wear dog shoes, and dog shoes are a serious lashing out at her human dignity!

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