Chapter 49

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Chapter 49 Forty-Nine Eggs

    Ming Yu picked up Ling Zimu and greeted the little monster: "I'll go to the next door and send him back. You and Shan Mian can clean up at home, and you can wait for me to come back.

    " Red Eyes, Bing Tuotuo dropped it as soon as he said it, and several eaves were severely hit. Ming Yu was worried that there would be an additional cost for the repairs, and he would have to check carefully when he came back.

    Huang Yunyao felt that she had done something wrong, her head was lowered, almost sinking into her bulging belly.

    Blame him for being so angry when he saw that old python.

    Mingyu carried people to the door, and in order to complete the whole story, he deliberately turned around and picked up the two largest ice lumps as "weapons".

    Sister Xu and his wife returned home early and found that their son was not there, only Li Ke.

    When asked, Li Ke replied hesitantly. Sister Xu's first reaction was that her own brat was naughty and made things difficult for Xiao Li. However, as a tutor, he couldn't restrain the students, and the balance in Sister Xu's heart tilted more and more towards Ming Yu.

    Until the tilted party brought Ling Zimu back and understood the reason, Sister Xu didn't bother to think about the local hailstorm, and was only worried about her son's injury.

    After all, it was her own. As a real mother, she also felt uncomfortable seeing her child get hurt.

    Li Ke took advantage of the chaos to say hello and left. Before leaving, he secretly glanced at Ming Yu, his eyes full of resentment.

    Although the process was unclear, he could guess that Ling Zimu must have failed this time, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a mess.

    Li Ke even doubted how true or false the rumors were.

    Could it be that the truth is involved in it, or else every time Ling Zimu is interested in Mingyu, he will be unlucky and hurt.

    If Mingyu knew what Li Ke was thinking, he would definitely say: I have done it myself.

    "It's your own fault!"

    When Ling Zimu was conscious, his mother's angry voice rang in his ears.

    There was a dull pain on the forehead where Bing Tuo Tuo had hammered, and the child king felt aggrieved all of a sudden.

    Originally, his plan was to instigate a few friends to help him monitor Mingyu, looking for evidence that he was a disaster star, but in the end, the friends who were loyal to him turned against a black cat.

    Feeling that the King's status is being challenged, Ling Zimu is upset and loses his mind to grab the kite string. But he was slapped on the head by the black cat's paw, which was so powerful that it made his brain buzz.

    Lost in face, Ling Zimu left as if nothing had happened, gritted his teeth, and decided to go to battle himself, but he was hit by hailstones just as he climbed up the wall.

    Recalling the past, Ling Zimu's eyes were filled with resentment, "I told you that Yu is a broom star. If you don't believe me, I'm always unlucky because of him!" Pop


    What was ushered in was indeed a loud ear scratch from my mother.

    "I adjusted the monitoring, you didn't go to class at all, did Li Ke just let you go out like that?" Ling Zimu was

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