Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 Nine Eggs

    Mingyu was very sure that before today, he had never exchanged a single word with Tan Yufei.

    Then her behavior is worth looking into.

    The first period was English class. When the English teacher walked into the classroom, she saw a large space in the back row, but the front row was full of students. She nodded with a smile, thinking that the students finally got rid of the lazy state at the end of the semester and forged ahead.

    The English teacher looked down at the lesson plan, and the boy in the front row of Mingyu turned his head to look at him. When he met his gaze, sweat broke out on his brow, and he nervously moved the stool forward, almost pressing his chest on the desk.

    Ming Yu ignored it and thought quietly. When the teacher started to give a lecture, from time to time he turned his attention to Tan Yufei who was caught between two roommates.

    She doesn't look well.

    Thick and thick bangs can't hide her fatigue, especially from Ming Yu's current angle, she can clearly see the exaggerated dark blue under her eyes, as if she hasn't slept a full night in half a year.

    The English teacher started to ask questions in class, and happened to see Tan Yufei who was yawning quietly, and asked her to get up to answer the questions.

    The result can be imagined, if it wasn't for Liu Xu's whispered reminder, it would be very difficult for her to pass the test.

    During class break, Mingyu heard classmates discussing, "What's the matter with Tan Yufei, why is she always in a trance recently?"

    Liu Xu helped answer the conversation: "It's okay, I didn't think about the topic of the big homework, and if you are anxious, you will definitely fall asleep. Not good."

    Mingyu passed by several people and left the auditorium silently.

    Unexpectedly, in the corridor, Tan Yufei caught up with him, "Ming Yu, that... just wait

    a moment." Ming Yu stopped in his tracks and looked sideways at her.

    He is so good-looking that all the classmates who changed classrooms between classes looked this way. Tan Yufei pinched the corner of her clothes nervously, lowered her head and whispered: "I didn't mean it, but I was very happy to see you at school today. I forgot the relationship between us for a while." The promise between..."

    At the end, the voice was so low that it was almost inaudible.

    Ming Yu wondered, "What did we agree on?"

    His eyes were stern, and in Tan Yufei's ears, it was more like a question. The girl was so panicked that she almost cried, "I will definitely remember it firmly, and I will never do it again next time."

    Tan Yufei covered her reddened nose, turned around and Running away did not give Mingyu the chance to continue asking questions.

    Staying at the same place, Ming Yu's eyes were full of confusion, this matter was full of weirdness, which made people have to be vigilant.

    The next class is a professional theory class, because professional teaching aids are frequently used, and it is in the studio of the oil painting department.

    Mingyu is used to walking the path where no one is around, so he can let his mind go for a while and focus on thinking about one thing.

    There is a lake on the west side of the main teaching building of the school. Walk through the pavilion in the middle of the lake and walk along the corridor. There are lush green plants on the opposite side. Among them is a peach tree with bright colors. It is May, but the big pink petals show no signs of withering.

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