Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 Eleven Eggs

    On the bus, Ming Yu looked out the window and observed the station.

    I haven't taken public transportation for a long time, and I almost forget all the stops.

    It was the morning rush hour when he went out in the morning. He was very nervous when he squeezed the bus and needed to comfort himself all the time. Fang Snake had been beaten away by the little monster, and he would not hurt anyone again, so he could calmly blend into the crowd.

    Now that he has stopped in the carriage, Mingyu is already very relaxed, like everyone around him, his eyes are full of anticipation to go home.

    Mingyu was carrying a shopping bag in his hand. After class, he went to the supermarket. The supermarket near the school was more affordable and the price was relatively cheap. Thinking that he really should add ingredients to the refrigerator, he reluctantly went in to consume.

    There was not much left for living expenses. After shopping in the supermarket, Mingyu's current financial situation can be said to be penniless.

    He contacted the barbecue shop where he often does odd jobs. The owner's child was sick and closed the shop for a rest, at least until the end of the month, which cut off his source of income.

    The bus drove unhurriedly, the afternoon sun was shining brightly, a short shadow was dragged out behind people and buildings, and when seen through the window, the shadow danced happily, as if the bus was chasing canned food .

    Ming Yu quit the migrant worker group and finally found a job, the young man heaved a sigh of relief.

    Visual communication students often follow the teacher to do projects, and occasionally there is a requirement for hand-painting, and they need to pay extra to find someone.

    Mingyu was admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts back then, and his professional courses were the first in the country. Even after two semesters, he was the first in professional courses every semester even if he did not attend classes. Naturally, he can be trusted.

    The requirements for hand-painting are very simple. It is to make packaging for pet food. As long as you draw some cute cats and dogs in a realistic way, you can finish it at home.

    The bus drove out of the shade of the tree, Mingyu looked up, the sun just poured in, and polished his dark eyes, causing the female students in school uniform to turn their heads to peek frequently, their black crowed heads were put together, Tweeting excitedly.

    Getting off the bus one stop earlier, Mingyu didn't choose to go home directly, but turned to another street first.

    Street signs are erected at the entrance of the street, and when you walk in, you can feel that it is completely different from the outside. There are ancient courtyard houses on both sides of this street, and every house is very quiet.

    Every time he comes here, Mingyu has the illusion of walking through a space-time tunnel.

    Today he was not in the mood to appreciate the scenery, so he walked quickly to the courtyard at the end of the street, skillfully opened the courtyard door with a key, walked around the screen wall and entered the courtyard, and there was a courtyard pool a few steps away.

    As soon as Mingyu stood on the small arch bridge, the koi in the pond flapped their tails excitedly and swam from all sides.

    He took fish food out of his backpack and tried to make sure every fish got it as he threw it.

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