An 'innocent' game of pool.

Start from the beginning

The other one is a tabby cat, also friendly, but needed a bit longer to warm up.
In the end both Daniel and I feel the same and we decide to adopt Mitzi.
We fill in all the paper work and buy all the stuff a cat needs, like a litter box, food and water bowls, a bed, food and a carrier.
We pay the adoption fee and for the items and then we are allowed to take Mitzi with us.

In the car we call Seb and Hanna.
"Guys we found one, she's perfect, but we are taking her now, so Emilie will have an early birthday present from us."
I hear Seb chuckle, "I knew you would find the perfect one for the girls. See you in a bit, we will tell them to go to the playroom and then you can bring the cat in."

About 10 minutes later we use the remote to open the gate and as we drive to the house we see Seb coming out.
"The girls are watching a movie in their play room, so we can get everything installed before bringing the cat to them. What's his name?"
I want to pick up the carrier, but Daniel beats me to it.
"It's a her, her name it's Mitzi. She's about 1,5 years old and came from the streets, but she is very sweet and loves to cuddle. And she doesn't care about dogs at all. So we thought she would be perfect for your family." I say as I grab the bed out of the car.

Seb takes the rest inside and we quickly help him put everything in its place.
Then Daniel picks up the carrier again and Seb leads us to the play room.
"Girls Skylar and Daniel have an early birthday present for Emilie. But you will have to share ok?"
They immediately pause the movie they were watching. By the looks of it, they are watching Tangled.

"Alright Emilie, mommy and daddy told us you have been asking for this for months, so Daniel and I went to get one for you." Daniel puts the carrier on the floor and opens the door.
"Is it a kitty?!" She shouts, but then Mitzi comes looking at her new surroundings and Emilie puts her hands in front of her mouth.
"This is Mitzi, I hope you'll become the best friends."

The little black cat walks out as if nothing new is going on. Emilie and Matilda sit on the ground and she goes over to greet them.
We can hear her purring from where we are standing as she keeps rubbing her head against both girls.
"I think you picked the perfect cat for them, thanks guys." Hanna says as she looks at her girls petting the cat that is now on her back rolling over the floor.
"Even Daniel liked her and he's not a cat person." I grin as he shrugs.
"She's friendly."

We hear the buzzer from the gate. "Ah that must be Sammy." Seb says as he goes to let the groomer in with their dog.
He comes back inside with a very nice smelling Golden Retriever.
"Hi Sammy, aren't you handsome!" I greet the dog who is frantically wagging his tail.
"Girls let's introduce Sammy and Mitzi, to see if they will become friends as well." Hanna says as the girls stand up to give both animals a bit of space to meet each other.

Sammy sniffs the cat as Mitzi just keeps lying on her side very relaxed.
After a few nudges from the dogs nose she gets up and starts to rub her head and body against his legs.
Sammy bows his front and his bum is still sticking in the air with his tail looking like a blonde cloud as he is wagging it so fast you can barely see it.

"Well I think they are fine together." Seb says.
We decide to leave the play room open, so both animals can go in or out at they please and the girls continue watching their movie, now with Mitzi and Sammy lying next to them.
Before we walk out Emilie comes up to us quickly. "Danke Skylar and Daniel, this is the best present ever. I love her already."
She hugs us both before sitting back down.
"It was our pleasure, just take good care of her and help mommy and daddy with feeding her and cleaning her litter box ok?" I say and she nods.

"Let's see who ends up cleaning and feeding the cat." Seb laughs as we head to the lounge.
"Thanks guys, you really made her day, or probably her year. No present she will get tomorrow will even come close to this." Hanna says as she starts to make some hot chocolate for all of us.
"It was our pleasure, it was great to see her so pleased."

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now