He picks up my suitcases, while Daniel drags his along. Outside I pull my beanie out of my pocket and put it on my head. It's cold and there's a lot of snow everywhere, but the roads I can see so far seem cleared of it.
We load everything up in a very fancy Aston Martin DBX.
"Still driving an Aston Martin Seb?" Daniel asks and Seb shrugs.
"It's a nice car and big enough for the family so why not."

"I call shotgun!" I quickly shout before Daniel can get in.
"Oh my god, you child." Daniel groans, but he smiles and opens the door of the passenger side for me.
"So chivalrous. Thanks babe." We get in and Seb drives off towards the highway.

"So how is retired life treating you so far Seb?" Daniel asks
"Oh it doesn't feel like I'm retired yet, it's just like every winter break so far. Except I don't have to go to any car launches, I don't go to Bahrein for testing. I'm just going to watch races on tv. Maybe visit one or two, but yeah so far it's just good."

"I'm glad, it's great you get to spend a lot of time with your family now. It's so precious watching your girls grow up. I'm really happy for you Seb." I say and he looks at me with his signature bright smile.
"Thanks Sky, you're little one seems to be growing well, you've just passed the 20 weeks right?" He asks turning his attention back on the road.
"Yeah, it's going very well, 20 week scan was perfect. And it's a very active little one in there."

"Good, that's how it should be. You both deserve some things to go well again. You've been through enough together already." As we drive through a town called Kloten I chuckle.
"What's so funny?" Daniel asks from the back seat.
"In Dutch 'kloten' are balls. Like testicles. So my childish brain just thought it was funny."
Both men laugh at my explanation, "I though I was the childish one, but you sure have your moments huh baby?" Daniel laughs.

"That's why we work so well handsome." I feel his hand on my shoulder, softly squeezing it. I put mine on top of his.

During the ride I notice that this part of Switzerland doesn't have very high mountains. There are hills, but that's about it. It's still gorgeous though. I love the building style they have here, it's like a winter fairytale land.
We eventually drive up a massive wooden gate, Seb pushes a button on a little remote he has in his center console and the gate starts to open.
"Welcome to fort Vettel."

"Wow." I can't say anything else, the house is stunning and massive. I love the way they turned a farm into such an amazing home. And this is just the outside.
Seb parks the car in a big garage next to the house, there's another garage like building next to it.
"My car collection is in there, I'll show you later." He says as we make our way to the main house.

When he opens the door we are greeted by two adorable little blond haired girls.
"Hey girls, you already know Daniel, but I want you to meet Skylar as well, she is Daniels wife."
I squat down to get more on their level. "Hi girls, it's so good to meet you." The tallest girl sticks out her hand "I'm Emilie and I'm turning 9 tomorrow."
My head shoots up towards Seb, "it's her birthday tomorrow? Wouldn't you prefer to celebrate that with your family?"

He shakes his head, "no we talked about it and she actually really wanted you to come for her birthday. I've shown her some of your singing videos that are all over the internet and she was hoping you could sing 'Happy Birthday' for her tomorrow. I guess my singing voice isn't good enough."
My attention goes back to his oldest daughter.
"I would love to sing for you tomorrow. Thank you for having us on your birthday."

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ