She then moves to the face.
"Look at that cute little nose." She points it out and Daniel sighs.
"She has your nose, thank god."
"I happen to love your nose, nothing wrong with it." I tell him as I boop the tip of his nose.
"I just don't want our girl to have it." He says.
"Ah look, the little hand is in the mouth. He or she is sucking on it." The doctor points out. My heart melts a bit. Only 20 weeks old, still inside me and he is already doing things he will do once he's born. I'm just in awe.

"Everything looks great here as well, brain looks perfect, no cleft pallet or lip. Amazing. Now let's check the tummy. I want to see if I can find both kidneys, if the stomach is filled and the bladder. I will tell you to close your eyes if I get any private parts on the screen that you don't want to see."
She points out everything she sees and explains if it's the way it should be. So far everything looks textbook. Our peanut is developing exactly how he's supposed to.

"Ok close your eyes for a bit, I just want to check the private parts and measure the upper legs." She warns us so I put my hands over my eyes and Daniel also shuts his.
Only a minute later we can open again and she has actually put the screen on 3D so we are surprised by the face of peanut in 3D which looks absolutely adorable.
"Oh my god look at that little face. She definitely has your nose baby. Oh wow she is beautiful already." Daniel gasps when he sees peanut.

I'm just silently staring at him. What we see on the screen is actually our baby that is still inside me, but he already looks so perfect. I can't believe we still have 20 weeks to go.
Dr Dubois takes a lot of pictures which she prints for us to take home.
"Oh look there's a big yawn." She says.
We can see the mouth open wide. "Oh this is so weird. But so amazing." I stammer. The love I have for this little person is almost too much to bare. I thought I could never love anybody as much as I love Daniel, but I now know I was wrong.

We can also see him kick and I actually felt that at the same time.
"Well I'm happy to tell you this is one perfectly healthy baby. Everything is exactly how it should be. I actually caught it having a little wee, so that means everything is functioning as well. I'm really happy for you." She hands me the pictures and then she cleans the gel off me.

I get off the bed and we talk a bit more about when we see each other again. We want to have a long 3/4D ultrasound at about 32 weeks, but we'll be in Melbourne, so we plan an appointment for after that when we get back home.
We plan some more check ups in between races and she gives us acces to an online birthing class. It will be difficult to go to the actual ones, so now we can watch it wherever we are.

"I will see you again next time for the check up and if ever you feel worried, just call me. You can always come in for an extra check. Enjoy your time in Switzerland and Sweden, I would advise you not to go skiing, but I don't think I have to tell you that."
I smile, it wasn't my plan to do anything crazy anyways.
"I won't. I might take up snowboarding though." We laugh and then it's time to go. We have to pack and we still have some decorations to put up in the room. It's almost finished. The tree should arrive today, so we can pretty much finish everything.

It was nice to put together the furniture this weekend. After the boys finished their work we had a very nice evening with them, Kelly and Charlotte. We ate the Mexican food we ordered and after that we just had a nice game night. They also wanted to hear the heartbeat, so we took out the Doppler to let them enjoy the sounds.
I remember Lando had tears in his eyes, Michael was just glowing, Max was Max, he would not let his emotions show, but I could see in his eyes that he was also enjoying it. Charles was listening with his mouth slightly open and Charlotte and Kelly were just melting away.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant