"I'm sorry to hear that, but you are right. My first due date is coming up, so that just feels a bit strange." I say and she nods.
"It does, but it passes." She is looking around as if she's looking for somebody.
"God where is that man when I need him. Look I don't know if you'd mind, but I really have to go to the toilet, could you maybe hold her for a minute?" She does look a bit as if she can't wait much longer so I nod.
"Sure, no problem. I'll wait right here."

She carefully hands me her baby before rushing to the ladies room.
The little girl is looking at me with her big blue eyes.
"Hey gorgeous, mommy will be right back ok." She starts to fuss a bit so I make soft shushing sounds, but that doesn't help.
I decide to do what always worked for Pixie and I softly sing the song from Tarzan for her.

"Now stop your crying it will be alright, just take my hand, hold it tight.
I will protect you from all around you, I will be here don't you cry."
It seems to work, so I keep singing until I look up and see Daniel smiling at me.
"Who do you have here?" He asks.
"I don't know her name, her mom just went to the toilet. So she asked me if I could hold her. But she was fussy so I tried to do what always helped with Pixie."

The little girl starts to fuss again after I stopped singing so I start again.
"Oh my god I didn't recognize you, you're Skylar right?" I hear the mother, who just comes walking back, ask me.
"I am yes. Do we know each other?" I ask her handing her baby back.
"Oh no you don't know me, but I'm a fan. I just didn't expect for you to be here, so I'm sorry to just hand over my baby to you. I'm sure you have other things to do."

She seems embarrassed, but I don't know why.
"That's ok, you helped me a lot by giving advice on breast pumps. It was no problem at all to hold your baby girl for a bit."
"Thank you again, her name is Skylar by the way. We named her after you."
I think my jaw just hit the floor.
"Before she was born we went to Duke every time we saw on their social media that you would be there. I just didn't recognize you, because in Duke the lighting is so different."

I'm completely dumbstruck. "You actually named your daughter after me?"
She nods.
"Wow, I'm honored. Thank you." I look at Daniel who looks really happy for me.
"I don't want to be rude, but may I please take a picture of you holding her? So we can tell her when she's bigger that she's on a photo with the woman we named her after." I can tell she is almost embarrassed to ask this.
"Yeah absolutely, I would love that."

Little Skylar is placed back in my arms and her mom takes a quick photo.
"Give me the phone, then I can take a picture of the three of you." Daniel steps forward, so she hands him the phone and he takes some pictures.
"Thanks, this was amazing. I can tell her that Skylar Hayes.. oh wait no it's Skylar Ricciardo now of course. Anyways I can tell our girl that you even sang for her. Thank you again for this."

Her husband finally comes back from wherever he went and we talk a bit until baby Skylar starts to cry, they leave to feed her and Daniel and I ended up buying the breast pump and some toys and stuffed jungle animals.
After loading everything in the car we drive to a hardware store for paint and wallpaper for our jungle wall. We find a cute lamp as well.
The car is already full, so they agree to deliver everything that afternoon.

We go for lunch together before going back home.
I decide to take a nap when we get back and Daniel goes to the gym with Michael.
When I wake up they are both in the living room looking through the stuff we bought.

"Hey there sleeping beauty." Michael says when I walk in.
"Aaaw you think I'm beautiful, that's so sweet." I grin and go over to Daniel for a kiss.
"Of course you are." I give Michael a hug, before going to the kitchen for some tea.
"You guys want something?"
"Yes please, same as you thanks." Daniel is now showing Michael some outfits we got.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora