Harper and I's favorite thing is getting ready together so we each bought a stool to keep at each other's houses just in case. Safe to say, we did not waste our money.

We sit and she touches up her makeup while I do my hair, sliding on the headband.

Harper turns to me, "Can I do your makeup?"

I smile. "That's why I brought you over, isn't it?"

She grins at me and starts to apply concealer under my eyes. She only uses concealer because she doesn't like to cover up the light freckles that surround my nose.

I adore Harper. She's the most beautiful person I know. I treasure the way she understands me and never judges me. If I jump off a cliff, I know she'd jump with me without any hesitation. In fact, she has. Sophomore summer was the best. I think everyone deserves a friend like her. She's my sunlight, even in my darkest days.

She applies a little blush and leans back to stare at me.

"What," I ask, looking around.

"You are just so pretty."

I look down, trying to hide my huge smile. I feel my ears and face heat up. "Shut up." I cover my face with my hands.

Harper laughs as she grabs the eyebrow gel and pencil. "Come here so I can do your brows."

I get ahold of myself and lean back up. She lightly colors in my eyebrows and then brushes them with gel. I'm grateful I got blessed with full eyebrows. I know I have long lashes too but Sage got triple blessed with his.

She hands me the eyelash curler and I face the mirror to curl them. Harper knows I like to curl my own lashes because the first time she tried it, she was very close to ripping them out. I trust her with my life, just not with my eyelashes.

I curl them as long as they could be and turn back to her. She applies a couple of coats of mascara and then brushes them out so they're not clumpy.

"How do you feel about eyeliner?" my beautiful friend asks.

"You know what? Go crazy," I express.

Harper claps her hands and adds a small wing along with black eyeshadow below the edge of my waterline.

Lastly, she does my highlighter and lips.

"Absolutely gorgeous. Now, let's pick a purse and shoes, and let's go shopping," she sings the last word.

We end up picking black platform oxford shoes and pairing them with white long ankle socks, along with a black shoulder bag and I let Harper borrow a slightly longer one that goes great with her outfit.

"We look so hot, no way. Come to the mirror," she waves me over, "I wanna take a picture."

I oblige and we do different poses in the mirror, spamming pictures.

"So posting these," she mumbles with her ass pressing against mine.

We look through all the pictures and decide which ones to post along with sending them all to me before leaving the room.

"Where are your clothes," Sage asks from the kitchen as we reach the end of the stairs.

We turn around and walk into the kitchen, deciding we might as well get a snack. "Where are yours?" I ask, gesturing to his naked torso.

"My house, my rules," he smarts.

I scoff as I grab strawberries out of the fridge. I rinse them and shove a couple in my mouth as I sit up on the counter.

"You're being sexist, Sage," Harper accuses, biting into a granola bar.

I agree by continuously pointing at her.

"How am I sexist? I'm a huge feminist!" Sage implies.

She shrugs and takes her last bite of the granola. "Ready? I was planning on buying lunch for us," she asks me.

I nod as I jump off the counter. Putting the strawberries back, I wipe my mouth and hands.

"See you later, Sage," I noted.

"Harper, don't let her drive. She's like a sloth."

"I take full offense to that you know." I glare at him.

"I know, I just don't care." He gives me a petty smile as he continues to eat his cereal leaning against the counter.

We arrive at the plaza and we shop in fragrance, soap, and makeup stores. We each bought at least two or more things from each place. We were on our way to the clothing stores when I accidentally bump into a person because I was too busy looking in store windows.

"Sorry!" I say hurriedly as I bend down to pick up their things.

When I go to grab it, I see the name 'Frankenstein' in the bag. I smile. "Hey, I love this bo—" I look back up to see, of course, Elijah. "Oh. You know, I'm starting to think you're a stalker."

Harper smiles, "Hey, Lav? Isn't that one of your favorite books?"

I hand it back to him in the bag, "Yeah," I mumble.

Did he buy it just cause I told him about it?

No, don't be silly.

I barely noticed the girl standing next to him. Lynn is an incredibly gorgeous girl with brown skin and the most perfect brown curls and eyebrows. She's in my English and T-day classes. I'm pretty sure she and Harper hooked up once or twice. Shit, I would too.

"Hey, Lynn. You look cute today." I sweetly smile at her.

She's wearing a white tank top underneath a white cropped knitted sweater, dark green high-waisted fitted pants that match her green waterline makeup, and clean white air forces.

God, I hope I look okay.

She smiles back, her dimples showing. "Thanks! You too, Lav."

I wanna drink bleach right now, why am I so awkward?

If she and Elijah ever have kids, that would be one gorgeous baby.

No. What the fuck.

"Where are you guys heading? Lavender and I are going to the clothing store, wanna join?"

"Ohh, we were actually going to eat but—" Lynn turns to Elijah and shrugs. "we can change our plans if that's okay?"

He nods. "I should go then, have fun ladies."

"No, stay. Don't worry, you can be the male point of view which nobody cares about." Harper flashes him a proud petty smile.

Lynn laughs at that but I'm too preoccupied trying not to have a panic attack or something.

"Is that okay, Lavender?"

I look over at Harper. "Hm? Oh, yeah, for sure." I side-eye the two new tag-a-longs as we begin walking.


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