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I watch Lavender walk into her hotel room and shut the door

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I watch Lavender walk into her hotel room and shut the door. My stare must've lingered too long because Sage taps me.

"You good, man?" he asks.

"Yeah." I nod. "I'm good, thanks."

He raises an eyebrow at me but lets me proceed with my life. Sage walks into the room and I follow behind him, however, I notice Lavender's tights by our bed.

I look over at Colton and Sage and thankfully they're packing their bags back up so I grab the tights and stuff them in my suitcase.

I clear my throat and try my best to chime in on the guys' conversation but no matter how hard I try, I can't get Lavender out of my mind. She is driving me insane. And what makes it worse is that her brother is right here. He would kill me if he found out where my hands were...

"How was your first day in Paris so far, Elijah? What else did you do?" Colton asks me.

I feel my heart skip a beat. "Um well the museum, obviously. Then we all went to the aquarium and then I came back here and just chilled. After dinner, I'll probably explore more since it's darker and everything is lit up."

"Oh," he drags. "Okay then." Colton takes his clothes and goes to change in the bathroom.

I let out a small sigh of relief as Colton heads to the bathroom. Then suddenly I realize I'm alone with Sage, and I feel uneasy. I've always gotten along with Sage before, but now I can't help feeling like Sage knows about me and Lavender.

Sage doesn't seem to notice my unease, though. He sits down on the bed and starts scrolling through his phone. Silence hangs heavily in the air, and I don't know how to break it.

I can feel the silence growing between us. I clear my throat and try to make small talk. "So, uh, how about you? What did you and Colton do today?"

Sage lifts his head from his phone. "Not much. We wandered around the city a bit, did some shopping, and met those girls from downstairs. It was pretty chill." He looks back down at his phone.

I nod, relieved that Sage is being as nonchalant as ever but the conversation dies down again. I try to come up with something else to say but before I can, we both hear giggling coming from... Lavender's room.

"Jeez, she is so freaking loud. I better not hear her freaking snoring at night."

A small smile creeps across my face. "She snores?" I question Sage.

"She'll deny it but we all know she does."

I smile at the remembrance of that one night she fell asleep painting the nursery. I thought I heard a little noise coming from her.

LavenderWhere stories live. Discover now