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Just four classes then I can get drunk and forget about all my problems

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Just four classes then I can get drunk and forget about all my problems.

My eyes are puffy and swollen from crying myself to sleep last night. I look exhausted, I can tell. I didn't put any makeup on because I wanted to have a clean base for my Halloween makeup tonight.

Yawning, I try my best to fill in the answers on the math test. It doesn't help my focus that I'm sleepy.

I try my best and show my work.

The whole class turns in their tests and we watch a Disney movie for the rest of the period since it's Friday.

The bell rings and I go to my locker to exchange my books. I look in the small mirror I have hanging up to see the swelling around my eyes went down a little bit.

I add my strawberry pink tinted chapstick before I feel a presence beside me. I look up to find Elijah. "Good morning," he tells me.

I look him up and down once. "Hi," I simply say before turning back to my mirror.

He came over and my heart dropped. Why. Why, why, why!

"I was just wondering if you're happy with your slides for the project. It's due today."

"Oh, right. Yeah, they're fine," I mumble as I shut my locker and lean against it.

I see Theo walk through the hallway and I beg he doesn't stop to talk to me. I know it's mean but what happens now? What am I supposed to do?

Thankfully, he gives me a small smile and continues walking.

I mimic his expression and let out a sigh of relief once he passes.

My gaze shifts to Elijah to see him looking at me. "What?" I get defensive and stand straight.

"Nothing. If you're happy, I'm happy."

I furrow my brows, confused.

"With the project I mean." He clears his throat and walks to class.

I go to my English class and continue my essay on Harper. She deserves it, she deserves everything she wants.

Social studies comes around and Mr. Morgan gives us thirty minutes to finish our project than the rest of the class we'll get through as many presentations as we can.

I didn't want to come to school today but it would ruin my perfect attendance. I've been doing so good coming to school, even in my 'episodes'.

Sniffling, I add more pretty details on the slides. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Elijah staring but I can't tell if he's looking at me or my computer.

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