"He definitely wants to sleep with you," he taunts.
"Excuse me?" I look at him weirdly, "What are you even talking about."
"The way he touched your arm. That's what people do when they wanna fuck someone." He looks down at his paper and continues to...
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I can feel his stupid smart presence from behind me and his stupid smart brown eyes burning into the back of my head.
"Good morning, Lavender."
I refuse to turn around and meet his gaze so I mumble a quiet 'hey'.
"Hey, Harper," he greets her in that annoying needy raspy voice.
"Hey, Elijah." She gives a small wave with that goofy shy smile she does.
I squint my eyes at her before turning back to the teacher.
"Thank you, Mr. Thomas. I will make it up to you." I grab Harper's still-waving hand and try to walk out the door but not before accidentally bumping Elijah and looking up at him. He's closer than I thought.
Way closer.
I stare back at him until his eyes leave mine to look me down in that 'subtle' way he thinks he does.
I roll my eyes at his actions. "I'll see you in class," I insisted before continuing my way out the door and back by my locker, all while dragging Harper.
"Okay, what the actual hell was that?"
"What was what?" I question back.
"Are you kidding?" She then readjusts her posture and twirls her hair around her finger, batting her eyelashes to mock me. "'I hope this is enough. I promise I'll make it up to you, sir.' Then you have that eye contact with Elijah? You have tension between two of the top five most hottest guys in this school!"
I scrunch up my face. "First of all, ew. Second of all, I don't really trust your judgment on guys. I'm pretty sure my brother is on that list of yours."
"Duh! Have you seen him?"
"Hey, Harper. Hey, best sister ever!"
I feel continuous poking in my back before being turned around and pulled into a hug.
"Why are you touching me? What are you doing?" I ask but it comes out muffled since my face is buried in his chest.
Sage pulls away and smiled wildly at me. "I just wanted to say thank you for paying my France fee."
I pull my eyebrows together, confused. "What are you even talking about? I barely had enough money to pay for mine. All I did was save you a spot."
His smile drops and his face knits together in disgust. "So I just hugged you for no reason then? Gross." Sage shrugs and walks away without saying goodbye.
"Bye to you too," I mumble before turning back around to face my friend.
I open my mouth to say something but am interrupted when the bell rings.
"I cannot be late today, I'm one tardy away from detention. See you after class," Harper speaks as she grabs and squeezes my hand.
I walk in the opposite direction from her to my Calculus class.
Who wants math at 8:30 in the morning?
I sigh as I sit in my assigned seat. After I pull out my pencil, I rest my head on my hand, waiting for class to officially start when I see Elijah walk in. We accidentally make eye contact and I immediately act like I'm looking for something in my backpack.
The final bell rings and the teacher grabs our attention.
"Pop quiz everyone!" she announces.
- I've gone through math, language arts, history, and science already. It's now time for lunch so I walk with Harper to my locker to put my books away.
"I'm forever grateful we have science together. Experiments are way more fun." She smiles.
"I agree."
"Where do you want to go for lunch?"
"It's Thursday, we're not allowed to leave campus," I remind her.
She groans. "I don't get this school. How come every Tuesday and Thursday we have two extra classes? It doesn't make sense."
"That's why it's called 'T-Day'," I tease. "Besides, I kinda like it. On Tuesdays I have Debate and Psychology; Thursdays, I have French and Art. They're all really good for my college applications."
"I wish we had more classes together."
"Yeah," I nod and close my locker, "At least we have the same classes on Thursday. Your Tuesday classes are fun too though. Don't you have Fashion design and health.? Besides, it's just the two days that we stay with everyone else. You do know we get out much earlier than the lower classmen on the other days?" I taunter.
"Still," she smarts. "C'mon, I heard they're serving the Mac and Cheese today."