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It's been almost four hours and I still have two more second coats to do plus the giraffe

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It's been almost four hours and I still have two more second coats to do plus the giraffe. I might've been quicker if I wasn't so worried about how perfect the brush strokes had to be but I really did want everything to be perfect.

God, this is giving me a major headache.

I sigh and decide to take a break and find someone for some medicine.

Walking down the hallway, the doors are still all closed. I walk downstairs to find absolutely nobody. I quietly groan to myself before going back upstairs and trying my luck at Elijah's door. I knock and wait a few moments until he opens the door.

"Yes, ma'am?" He tilts his head.


"Uh..." Shit, what was I gonna say? "Um, I need medicine. I have a headache."

He raises one of his dark eyebrows and I know exactly what he's waiting for.

I glare at him. "Please."

Elijah gives me a fast half-smirk-half smile. "Follow me."

I do as he says and we end up downstairs in the kitchen, looking through a cabinet.

He shakes out some ibuprofen for me and grabs a cold water bottle from the fridge. "Take these."

I swallow the pills and take a seat on one of the stools on the island, sipping my cool water.

"Do you want a head message?" Elijah asks. "Like you, I'm also good with my hands." He wiggles his fingers as he tries to hide his amusement from copying the words I had said earlier.

I scoff, "No, thank you."

I rest my head on my hand and zone out as I play with the condensation on the bottle.

"You should take a break. You can always finish tomorrow or another day," Elijah says. "There are still seven months to finish."

I shake my head before verbally answering. "No, if I go home now all I'll do is lay down. I need to do something productive. I need to do something distracting."

I realize my last sentence and I make eye contact with him and shrug. "Just because I get bored easily." Definitely not because I go insane with my mind. "Also, and take full offense, but I don't want to spend any more time with you than I already half to." I give him my infamous petty smile.

He gives me a small smile back and a nod. "Okay."

I sit up straight and rub my sweaty palms on my thighs. "So where is everyone? It's after three."

"Uh, my dad and Cam are at the company, my mom is either at work or shopping, Finn is at his friend's house, I just put Gisselle down for a nap, and I have zero ideas what Daphne does during her day."

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