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I hate this feeling

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I hate this feeling.

I'm leaning over my bathroom toilet puking everything up. Everything is a blur.

Elijah drove everyone home in my car. He already dropped off Theo, Lynn, and Harper at their places. When he got to me and Sage's place, he walked in with us to make sure we got to bed okay. Except for me, I ran to the bathroom as soon as Sage unlocked the door.

I tuck my hair behind my ears as I continue to throw up every drink I had tonight, and who knows how much that was. Holy shit.

Sage and Elijah meet me in the bathroom. Hearing my coughs, my brother gags.

"Lav, you know I would love to take care of you but I can't stand the sound of—"

My coughs continue to echo in the toilet bowl and Sage gags again, running out of the room. I feel a hand rub my upper back and my hair being pulled out of my face. Elijah.

"Everything's okay, Quinn," he assures me after he hears my sobs.

I can't tell if I'm crying because I'm throwing up, disappointed, disgusted, overwhelmed, or that memories are flowing back to me. Probably all five.

This is so embarrassing. I'm crying and throwing up in front of the guy I detested most but now all he's doing is comforting me.

This only makes me cry more.

I flush the toilet and run my hands down my face. I now realize why looking at myself in the mirror felt like déjà vu.

I am my mother.

Suddenly, I can't breathe. My worst fear has come true. I didn't just want the alcohol, I felt like I needed it.

Elijah obviously noticed my change of sentiment because he's let go of my back. "What happened?"

I can't bear to look at him. I lean my back on the bathtub beside me. "You can leave," I mutter, staring at the floor.

He sighs and takes his position next to me, also leaning on the tub. "I know."

I bring my knees up to my chest and sniffle.

How did such a good party turn into a bad night?

"Wanna talk about it?" Elijah gently offers.

I hesitate before slowly looking over at him. His expression is serious, not at all filled with pity this time. I hate pity.

He reaches forward to tuck my hair behind my ear. There he goes with that gentle thing for the millionth time. I feel like I'm going to start crying again.

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