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She hugged me

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She hugged me.

I know that's going to replay in my mind over and over again.

I wait outside the bathroom door as I give her her privacy to do whatever she needs to do.

Sage comes back. He's changed out of his cowboy costume to gray sweats and a navy blue hoodie. "Is she done throwing up? Please say yes."

I nod and he knocks on the door. "Lav, you okay?"

She does not answer so Sage turns to look at me. I shrug and he knocks again.

No answer. Starting to worry myself, I rise from leaning on the wall.

"Okay, I'm coming in Lavender."

He opens the door, just for him to see. He whispers profanity as he rushes to her side.

I slightly kick the door open to see Lavender sitting on the tub, face pale and eyes teary, as she whispers something to Sage. I furrow my brows, confused. Did I say something wrong?

Sage kneels there for a moment before standing and walking over to me. "I think you should go now," he mumbles.

"Are you sure? Should I stay? Is she okay?"

"I'm fine, she's fine, it's all fine. It's just— you should just go," Sage replies.

I look at her one last time, she's staring at the floor refusing to look at me. I hope she knows I meant what I said. I would never judge her.

I hesitantly nod before walking out of their house. I want to respect what she wants.

I get outside to the in-between of our houses and climb up the tree to my room.

Picking out my pajama pants, I head to my bathroom. There's no way I'm laying in my bed after that stupid party.

The party.

Lavender admitted she wanted to kiss me at the party. Holy shit.

I take a ten-minute shower but the whole time I couldn't stop focusing on Lavender. I hope she's okay.

I sit on my bed and debate whether or not I want to text her. Of course, I do, but I don't. I don't want her to be embarrassed. Though, there's no reason to be.

I sigh and rest my head against my headboard.

Just as I put my phone down, it dings. A huge smile spreads across my face as I see who it's from.

'Thank you.'

I automatically reply. 'Anything you need.'

She hearts it and doesn't reply back but I still go to sleep smiling.

She texted first.


Holy shit

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Holy shit.

I wake up and my head is pounding. Running to the bathroom, I throw up everything yet nothing at the same time.

I don't remember anything from last night. Anything.

I go to brush my teeth and I look a mess. My hair is frizzy and leftover mascara is under my eyes. I grab the trash can out of the bathroom to bring near my bed before I climb back into my covers and stare at my roof. I feel so damn nauseous and the sunlight is hurting my eyes.

I check the time and it's seven in the morning. What the shit.

I groan but I gag so I quickly shut my mouth and close my eyes, hoping to stop the room from pulsing. It doesn't work so I throw the pillow over my face.

I hear my window open but I don't bother to move. Recognizing the footsteps, I feel my bed sink by my feet.

The pillow slowly gets lifted and I bury my face under my blanket.

"This is usually the time my sister wakes up from her hangovers so I brought you coffee," Elijah states.

"Thank you but—"

"I know you don't like coffee, Lavender. I got the vanilla one from your job because it's the only one you drink for some weird reason."

I slowly sit up. "You went to my job? They don't even open until ten?"

He shrugs. "Your boss saw me pull up and made me one."

"Really?" I furrow my brows.

He nods and hands me the surprisingly still-hot coffee. I look at the cup and then at him. He knows what I like.

I thank him and sniffle.

"Do you feel any better?" he asks.

I groan. "No, I don't remember anything either. Please tell me I wasn't stupid."

"You took off your clothes and ran around naked."

My eyes go wide and my jaw drops. "What!"

It only takes a minute before Elijah breaks into a wide smile. "I'm just kidding."

I push his shoulder back. "That's not funny! Be serious, tell me everything I did."

"Within the first twenty minutes, you got wasted and kissed a random guy."

"What? Ew, why did you let me!"

"You looked me right in the eyes and smiled," he explains.

I feel nauseous again. I mentally punch myself and take a sip of my coffee. I nod, signaling for him to continue.

"We played beer pong and you drank both yours and my drinks, you threw a fit when I told you to drink anything other than alcohol, you stole a drink from a couple making out, you ki—"

Elijah stumbles over his words. When he realizes what he almost said he shakes his head and backtracks. "You didn't do anything too bad."

"Who was the guy? Do you know?"

"Definitely not. He was dressed like a bunny and his hand was on your neck, Lavender. He was choking you. You allowed a bunny to choke you."

Heat rises to my face and I bite the inside of my cheeks. I feel disgusted with myself.

I throw my head into my hands and bring my knees up to my chest, leaning against my headboard. "And after?"

"I drove you home and you threw up."

"Anything else?" I urge.

He looks at me as he opens his mouth to say something. He hesitates. "I don't remember."

I choose to believe him as I carefully sip my coffee. I stare at the floor but I feel eyes on me. Making eye contact with Elijah, I shrug. "What?"

He clears his throat and stands. "Nothing. Enjoy your coffee."

Before he can leave out my window, I stop him. "Um, I'll clean myself up and I'll come back over soon to finish the nursery."

"No need. Just take care of yourself today."

"No- no, I want to."

He smiles and nods before disappearing out my window. I really hope he's telling the truth.

I'm trying not to cry right now. I feel like my mother, I'm hungover as hell, and I kissed a random grown man in a bunny suit yesterday.

What has life come to?



Sorry this took so long to publish, I've been really busy. This is more of a filler chapter so no collage today but better ones are to come, I promise. We're going to Paris soon!!! 😉😜😜


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