"He definitely wants to sleep with you," he taunts.
"Excuse me?" I look at him weirdly, "What are you even talking about."
"The way he touched your arm. That's what people do when they wanna fuck someone." He looks down at his paper and continues to...
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I watch Elijah as he walks out the door.
I remember every single thing I did and said and I feel terrible. What if he never talks to me again? I think I practically assaulted him.
I throw my head down on the table and bang it lightly.
"Hey, Lovey."
I whip my head back up, staring at my medium blonde-headed friend.
"You said you'd watch me," I whine.
She licks the remaining whipped cream off the back of her hand. "I did. I drank more than you so you couldn't have a lot."
I stare at her and she's dead serious.
"I'm sorry! You didn't even do anything bad!" She argued.
"You have no idea," I whisper under my breath.
— Sage got us all to settle down and walked us to my room. He put on Disney movies for us on my laptop as Harper, Lynn, and I all lay down under my covers.
"Okay, there. All set," he assures.
I give him a small smile, disappointed in myself. "Thanks, Sage."
He copies my expression. "I'll check on you guys later."
Sage closes the door behind him and I focus my eyes on the laptop screen to watch 'Tangled'.
It'sbeen a couple of hours and Lynn fell asleep during 'Toy Story'.
"You know, I totally see you as a boy Mom," Harper turns and whispers to me.
I smile at the mention of me being a Mom. "Yeah?"
"First, you'll have a baby boy. Then, when he's a year old, you'll get engaged to the baby daddy—"
"You're saying he's an accident?" I smile even harder, holding back a laugh.
"Yes, but he's the best accident to ever happen to you. Then, you'll get married like six months later. You want to make sure your babies are exactly three years apart so you'll time it and out comes a little girl."
I nod, making it known that I'm listening to her craziness.
"And, if you end up getting a little frisky, it'll be boy, boy, girl, but this time, the younger ones are exactly two years apart," Harper finishes, proudly smiling.
I look dumbfounded. "How long have you thought about this?" I quietly laugh.
"A while. Oh! I also see Sage having all girls."
I gasp, "Oh my God, I can see that!"
"I know right," she loudly whispers.
"I can see you having one little girl and spoiling that kid rotten," I snicker.