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I watch her with amusement as she speaks to the pink-haired girl in sign language

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I watch her with amusement as she speaks to the pink-haired girl in sign language. Lavender's smile is so wide that I notice she has little dimples at the corner of her mouth instead of the usual placement on the cheeks.

I didn't know she had that, it's cute.

I recognize them both signing 'thank you' as the girl walks away. Lavender turns back around and takes the book out of my hands, walking away but still smiling.

I'm beginning to think I'm like a lost puppy because I follow her right after.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Lavender taunts as she kneels to put a book away.

I do as she says and take out my phone. "Say cheese." I flash my screen in her face as I take a picture.

She stands up and punches me in the arm hard.

"Lavender," I hear her name called through the pain as I hold my arm.

"Yes sir?"

"I'm sorry about that lady. I've given her a warning and if she acts that way the next time she comes in, she will be banned," Her manager explains.

"It's okay. I appreciate that, thank you."

"Go ahead and take a thirty-minute lunch break."

"Oh— that's really not necessary, thank you though," Lavender says sweetly.

"I insist. Go get some lunch with your boyfriend here." He pats her shoulder before taking the books out of her hands.

My face instantly lights up at her boss's words.

"That's a good idea." I jokingly wrap my hands around her waist from behind. "Come enjoy some lunch with your boyfriend, Lavender."

To my genuine surprise, she doesn't hit, punch, or shove me off.

Her boss nods and walks away.

Suddenly, I feel her grip. She turns around and shoves my own hands into my chest. I look down at her and smile.

Lavender glares at me before rolling her eyes and walking away.

I follow her to the back. "You can't be in here," she puts her hand on my chest, as an act to stop me.

I eye her hand and can't stop smiling. "But I'm your boyfriend?"

Lavender scoffs, her hand still on my chest. "In your dreams maybe."

I nod and check her out. "And yours."

She groans and grabs her backpack before walking to the added cafe.

Taking a seat at a table, she pulls out her laptop as I go to order something.

"Two French vanilla coffees and water, please. Oh, and a strawberry cake pop." I hand the woman a $20 bill. "Keep the change." I smile.

LavenderWhere stories live. Discover now