"He definitely wants to sleep with you," he taunts.
"Excuse me?" I look at him weirdly, "What are you even talking about."
"The way he touched your arm. That's what people do when they wanna fuck someone." He looks down at his paper and continues to...
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Harper and Lynn already left with Sage to go get their cars so I sit on my floor as I lay out the ridiculous amount of clothes I bought.
I hear the window open behind me and I don't even bother looking back.
"Is this going to become an everyday thing?" I ask him.
"I sure hope so."
I bite back a smile as I continue laying out my clothes. He still has that morning rasp.
"For the record, I told you not to buy everything you saw, just letting you know," Elijah smarts.
"I know, I know," I sigh. "Think British lady will let me return it?"
"Definitely not."
"Me neither. I'll just play the minor card then." I stand up to stretch.
"Now that's just gonna get us in trouble," he smarts.
"Or," I begin as I turn towards him, "I can plead my way out of it, I'm great at arguing." I smile proudly.
"I know, you argue with me every day," he points out.
"No I don't," Elijah opens his mouth to prove his point but I interrupt him, "because I don't see you every day."
He puts his hands up in a defensive way. "Ooh," he mocks.
I scoff before I bend down to gather up all my clothes. Tossing them on the bed, I accidentally elbow Elijah in the stomach. Apparently, he has the feet of a cat because I can't even tell when he walks closer.
"Hello?" I drag. "Ever heard of personal space? Elijah, why did you come over here?"
"I just like getting under your skin," he smiles, tilting his head. His eyes leave mine and settle somewhere between my chin and chest.
I wish I could get under yours.
What? Who said that? I did not mean it that way, I swear.
"Sorry, can I—" his hands carefully go up to my neck. I slightly flinch before I feel him messing with my necklace.
I feel my whole body heat and tense up as I stare at his face. He's focused on my jewelry and a slight furrow in his brow appears. My eyes shift to his lips and he wets his bottom one.
I must be ovulating or something because no way.
Elijah Rivera is a moron. He's always trying to show he's better than me. Always teasing me. Always— well, he hasn't even done anything.
I can't remember when I started to dislike him, I guess it always just came with his presence. Ever since we both got older and matured, I've started to really overthink this enemy thing. It can get exhausting but on the other hand, it's fun to see the way he turns red and glares when I pick on him.