Chapter 104

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"Jo, if you do that we will be discovered!" I whisper in her ear, my voice almost inaudible.

"Yeah, but..." She sighs throwing her head back as I hold her firmly to me, lying together on the bed.

"Shhh" I smile seeing her ecstatic expression and hearing her laboured breathing.

"Hero, I... Oh God!" She holds her breath as I continue to bask in the spectacular view.

She is naked, clinging to me as I touch her in her most intimate part slowly and steadily.
Our mouths draw closer and our breaths join, exciting us even more.
I'm only touching her and she has already lost the control she had until just now.
I know, we don't need to be heard though...

"If you do that..." She sighs closing her eyes and leaning into me more.

"Like what?" I enjoy teasing her again as her bare breasts press against my chest.

She passes a leg between mine and moves along with my hand.
"You're... You are..." She gasps and somehow tries to speak, though it's clear she can't.

I smile again as I increase the pace and she opens her mouth again in ecstasy.
I take the opportunity to kiss her, I can't resist this sight but I have every intention of taking my time tonight.
It is my birthday after all, isn't it?
And I've decided I want to make her enjoy it as much as possible.

"I'm what, baby?" I whisper moving closer to her ear.

I hear her sigh and I bite her earlobe gently.

"You're terrible!!!" She lets go a sigh and her hands tighten more on my shoulders.

I love making her feel good, it's like it's my mission in life!
I giggle at her exclamation as she tries to catch her breath, clearly too excited to control herself.

"I know!" I exclaim proudly before returning to kiss her.
My tongue searches for hers and I have to be careful not to lose it right away, otherwise the desire to get inside her will be stronger than anything else.
I want her to enjoy this evening as much as possible.

Castille managed to get us a room just for us inside the cottage where we shot the last scenes, keeping the rest of the crew in the dark, fortunately consisting of only a few people!
Given the amount of snow that is continuing to fall from the sky, we will most likely all take a day off tomorrow and I couldn't be happier about that as it's actually my birthday!
In fact, technically it's already my birthday since it's 2am!
And now it's time to claim my present, don't you think?

"Hero I..." She arches her back as I reach up to her breast to suck on one of her nipples.
She lets go a little yelp and I am quick to stifle the sound with my mouth pouncing on her.

"Jo, we have to be quiet!" I whisper back to her but I know it's going to be really hard to stay quiet!
I smile at her biting my lip and she looks up at me, copying my movement as I settle on top of her, trying not to overwhelm her with my weight.
She catches her breath for a moment and we lose ourselves in each other's eyes.

"You're going to cum, aren't you?" I can't help but keep smiling.

This girl makes me happy. Really, really happy!
She nods, at a loss for words, and I resume the assault with my hand to her sensitive spot between her legs.
She holds her breath again and looks at me intently.

"Do you want to come like that?" I whisper approaching her ear and then leave a rush of kisses down her neck.
She nods again, without speaking.
My mouth finds hers, biting her lips and playing with my tongue.
I'm horny as hell and at this point she's noticed it too, in case she had any doubts.
I rub myself against her as she closes her eyes and finally lets go of the pleasure.
I watch as she contracts her muscles and plugs her mouth with her hand, trying to contain her cries.
My mouth lowers to her breasts and I resume my attack on this heavenly vision, waiting for her to catch her breath for a moment before I...
"Are you ready?" I whisper.

Sliding Doors - 2 (English Version)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang