Chapter 27

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We call an Uber and head to the club.
Jo let me know they're going to the Copa Room in Palm Springs.
Not very far from this restaurant apparently, at least that's what Google Maps says.

"Since when do you know the clubs around here?" Alex asks suspiciously.

"Friends who often come to Los Angeles for work have recommended it to me ..." I lie shamelessly.
Jo actually texted me a few minutes ago, saying they'd taken a taxy to get to that place.
Very simple.
I have no idea where this club is or what it is like and I honestly don't care, I just need to be with her.

"Girls then tonight you are our guests!" Felix exclaims beaming "Come with us!"

I'm starting to think he's set his sights on one of these girls, given his enthusiasm.
Not that his attitude is strange. Felix is ​​a very nice and exuberant guy, but generally he doesn't get to know people that easily ...
There is definitely something underneath!

Of course the girls agree to join us and we book two Ubers to get to the club.

"Some guys who are here for work recommended it to you, huh?" Alex comes close to me and I know he has already discovered my lie.

"Yeah ...sort of..." I smile

"Mia has already arrived there!" He smiles and gives me a pat on the shoulder.

"How small is the world, right?" I laugh with him "What a strange coincidence!"

"Really, don't you think?" He smiles

"Hey guys ... according to you ..." Felix comes close looking around cautiously.
We all look at him waiting for what he has to tell us even if I suspect I already know ...
He looks around to make sure the girls are far enough away from us.
They are talking and taking photos and videos of each other.
We told them we had no problem appearing in their Instagram stories, so they're having fun posting whatever.
I think that out of 10 photos they took, Felix is ​​at least 8 of them intent on making weird faces or absurd expressions.
I know this because I had to silence Instagram given the 2000 notifications that were coming to me.

"I like Christal ... I really like her a lot!" He whispers while continuing to look around.

"Who?" I ask looking at the girls.
I don't remember everyone's name and I don't even know if they told me.
I was too busy thinking about where Jo might have gotten ...

"The girl in the green dress ..." He whispers even more softly, turning his back to the girls so as not to be discovered ...
Very casually, I take a quick look and find the girl in the green dress.
She is tall, slender, has nice blonde curls and glasses. She's cute and just the kind Felix usually likes ...

"Do you want to try it with her?" Alex asks smiling.
Felix nods short of words.

"Yeah mate" Morgz gives him a loud pat on the back "Let's cheer for you!"

"Yes ... But what do I tell her? She's too pretty... I don't know what to do!" He looks at us visibly in agitation.
I've never seen him like this, usually he doesn't think too much about it before hitting on some girl ...
Go to her, tell her a couple of bullshit and see how it goes!
Most of the time of course nothing happens, sometimes he is lucky!
But here we are in the United States, it is not like in London where we feel at home ...
We are in foreign territory! I laugh at what I just thought. It's actually a stupid thing ...

"Ask her if she wants to dance with you later in the disco ..." I smile at him "See how it goes ..."

He nods and takes a deep breath "Okay. As soon as we get to the club I'll ask her ..."

Sliding Doors - 2 (English Version)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora