Chapter 92

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This morning we are doing our first live interview in a long time.After too long, I dare say.

"You guys settle in here, we're going to start the link-up shortly. You'll be able to see the journalists on this screen, okay?" A security man shows us the room where we'll be settling in for the next few hours, before quickly exiting, leaving us alone.

I can't help but smile, looking at Jo.
I feel good when I'm with her and can't wait to get back to our rooms to show her what I've prepared for us!
I'm sure she'll be overjoyed!!!

"What are you smiling about so much?" She looks at me amused as she settles into the small armchair.

"We both have the face of two who got little sleep last night!" I exclaim amused.

She smiles lowering her gaze "If it weren't for those damned key cards, we could sleep together and not flee early in the morning like two thieves!" She sighs, looking at me again.

We slept together, in her room, last night too.
I managed to sneak out at the crack of dawn and I hope they won't notice that I got back to the room very late!
Those magnetic keys and the associated security check are a real hassle, but luckily I have everything prepared to solve the problem!
I'm preparing the surprise down to the last detail and as soon as I'm ready I'll show Jo my, our, new room!

"Jo, we wouldn't sleep there either!" I shake my head amused as I sit down next to her.

She runs a hand over her face trying to contain her laughter.
"Don't make me blush, otherwise the interview will get off to a really bad start!"

I bite my lip as she runs her tongue over hers.
"There indeed!" She laughs, looking away.

"How long should we stay here?" I look around, the screen is still black.

There is no active link but the cameras in front of us suddenly light up.

I nod to Jo and she understands: we can't talk to each other now, the risk of being discovered is too high.

She nods with a sigh as the screen in front of us goes white and then immediately shows a link in progress.

It begins!


"Have you ever had your heart broken for love?"
Asks the interviewer, among many questions about the film.

Oh yes it has happened to me, several times!
Mainly because a certain girl, when she is afraid, runs away!
I never gave up and never regretted it, not even for a second because I know her and I know she is just so scared!

"Yes, definitely!" Jo surprises me by answering before me.
She doesn't look at me, she stays with her gaze on the screen in front of us.

"Unfortunately, sometimes bad experiences in love mark you and affect your future choices too!"

I lower my gaze and remain staring at the floor thinking about her words.
I never asked her about her past but I know she had boyfriends when she lived in Australia.

"Has this happened to you recently?"I knew it, now they want to meddle in our business!

"What?" Jo seemed to overthink for a moment.
She was probably thinking about some particular event.

"It happens a lot in life, the important thing is to learn from your mistakes and see where you went wrong!" She mentions a smile.

I nod, trying to be supportive in some way, as much as possible.
After all, that's what I always do: I'm here when she needs me and I never back down, even when things get tough!
She is too important to me to let her go and she is worth every struggle, every sacrifice I have made to bring her back to me.

Sliding Doors - 2 (English Version)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz