Chapter 40

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"And then she told him he could go to hell!" bursts out Lauren laughing and I cover my face in embarrassment.

Mia listens amused and looks at me in amazement! "You didn't tell me that..." she points out.

"It wasn't that important!" I justify myself still a little embarrassed.
I didn't think they'd bring up the Shake Shack guy thing honestly, at least not now.
"I think he's probably changed jobs by now..." laughs Sydney teasing me.

"Don't exaggerate! It was a misunderstanding..." I have to find a way to change the subject.

"Well I probably would have reacted the same way if I had found a stranger in my dressing room..." says Mia thoughtfully.

"Oh, good! Someone understands me then! He was sitting on my couch... what was I supposed to do?"

"Poor guy, I told him to wait for me for a moment..." comments Patrick "You must have traumatised him with all that screaming!"

I shake my head dejectedly, I will be mocked forever.

"I apologised so many times, I even left him a $50 tip...I bet he won't even remember me anymore..." I point out to him in general laughter.

"Speaking of betting..." interjects Josie as she joins us on the small sofas we have occupied for the evening.

We are in a nice but peculiar club. Luckily it's uncrowded and the music isn't deafening, so we can chat quietly. It's strange for a disco, but I like it.

"Any bets?" Mia sips her drink looking at us curiously.
Oh no, again with that kiss bet thing.

"Patrick, the shoot won't last indefinitely... you risk losing your dinner!" Josie laughs teasing him.

He snorts and rolls his eyes, before looking at me smiling.

"Jo, are you going to let me win this dinner or not?"

"Forget it..." I shake my head, drinking my cocktail.
I'm already on my second and I know I shouldn't overdo it but I need to relax and think... about something else!

"Wait... what are we talking about?" asks Mia curiously.

Josie was waiting for nothing else and immediately intervenes to explain the whole story to Mia who listens in curiosity, giving me astonished looks.

"So, Patrick has to kiss Jo but he has to be convincing... otherwise he won't win the dinner!" she concludes the explanation.

"He's basically already lost the start!" Mia bursts out laughing along with the other girls looking at me "Hero can't be beat, sorry..." she points out shaking her head at him.

I didn't think she liked Hero so much that she defended his reputation so strongly.

"See, he feels the same way we do... you don't stand a chance Patrick..." smiles Sydney.

"Either way, it should go on the record..." Josie picks up her phone and looks at me "Do you mind Jo?"

"What? I don't understand..." I look at her questioningly.

"Can I take a video? We'll make fun of him for this forever..." she turns to him to stick her tongue out.

"Ah, you really want to make it public?" he shakes his head amused "You're diabolical!"

"Your fans will be thrilled, you'll see..." she points out to him.

"Okay come on..." I marvel at myself, will it be the alcohol? I don't know, but I don't care.
I'm having fun and I don't see anything wrong with a video.

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