Chapter 49

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I must be crazy, otherwise I can't explain today's behavior.
My behavior to be exact.

I say I'm angry with him, then I just need to see him to stop thinking rationally.
We were together all day, he even brought me breakfast.
Now we are all having dinner together and... I invited him to come with us!Unbelievable, really !!!

The truth is that I can't stay away from him, I feel hypnotized by him.

Indeed, if we really want to be honest I don't want to stay away from him.
If I wanted to, I would do it very well!

For a few days I have been constantly thinking about this whole situation and how stupid it was of me to run away.
If we are to truly break up, we must first speak truthfully.
I have to tell him what scares me and what makes me jealous.
My insecurities cannot destroy me!
I can't keep running away all my life!
I have to stop and this is the right opportunity, even if it scares me!
I don't know how things are going to go, I don't even know exactly what I'll tell him when we meet again to talk.
I told him we'll talk once and for all tonight.
The time has come to do it!
Is it normal that I have a tremendous desire to kiss him?
No, it shouldn't be normal!
Not if a person is really angry as I am! My heart melts every time his eyes meet mine.
This is not to say that I forgave him, absolutely!
If he was actually flirting with that girl the night I decided to leave him, he's done with me!
Even if he continues to have this effect on me, I will make up for it.

If I'm not the first to respect myself, I can't expect anything from others!

"He's fucking beautiful!!!" Josie looks at Hero as he approaches the table where we are all sitting together.

I burst out laughing and look at her with amusement.

"What's up?" She looks at me questioningly "Don't you think so?"

"He's a friend of mine..." I point out to her, so as not to make judgments.

"Patrick is my friend too but I have no problem saying he's a dickhead!" She exclaims trying to provoke the person concerned, a few steps away from us.

I suspect Josie likes Patrick! I have this feeling!

"Hey! What have I done wrong to you? I'm always nice to you!" He replies by pretending to be offended.
I observe the scene between the two.
At one point it seems really comical.
Josie has no filters when she speaks and every 3 words she puts a curse!

"Then I'll sit between you and Jo tonight!" Patrick moves his chair and does as he said, smiling at her satisfied.

Advance by a few seconds Hero, probably intending to sit right on that chair.
He looks at me amused, not understanding what is happening.
I shake my head and mime with my mouth -Nothing-
He smiles and takes his place in the only chair left free, not far from me, between Hadley and Sydney.
I feel a little guilty for not having reserved a chair next to me right away but after all we are not together, are we? And he is much better than me at socializing with people, I doubt he will have problems
Sydney already knows him, they auditioned together for First Love, as I remember.
Not that I've been paying attention to this kind of information eh...

I shake my head in amusement as Josie and Patrick continue to argue.

"You are incredible! Really!" Comment.

"I don't talk to her anymore... I'm with you, JoJo..." He approaches me with the chair, sticking his tongue out at her.

"JoJo?" I look at him dumbfounded and I feel Hero's gaze on me, intent on listening to our conversation.

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