Chapter 62

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Jo is nervous, I can tell by the way she's been staring into space since we got home.
We were pretty much out all day, walking around London and it was nice, especially the fact that we walked around hand in hand, without anyone recognising us!

Of course we were prepared: hat and sunglasses with us at all times, but that's nothing compared to the freedom of walking around, laughing and joking like two normal guys.

I only feared that someone had recognised us when I saw some girls looking at us insistently when we stopped to eat at a restaurant near the Thames.

They were probably just talking to each other, because they did not approach us to ask for a photo, as they usually do.

Jo was on a roll, as in Los Angeles such a situation would be totally unlikely!Although everyone is used to dealing with celebrities, the paparazzi are unforgiving and are everywhere. Literally everywhere!

Now we are back and getting ready to go out to dinner and then to the party in Piccadilly, as we promised Felix, but she is pensive and distant.

She doesn't speak, she picks up random clothes from the suitcase on the floor and then puts them back immediately afterwards.
I'm giving her some space to get her head in order but she doesn't seem to have sorted things out.

"Jo..." I kneel beside her and stroke her arm "What's going on?"

She looks at me with tear veiled eyes and immediately lowers her gaze, wiping her face.

"Why are you crying?" I draw her to me and hug her. "What happened? You were happy until just now..."

"Hmm..." She nods and keeps her mouth shut to hold back her tears.

"You're making me worry..." I whisper kissing her head.

I have no idea what could be disturbing her mood like this.
I mentally review the day but I can't find anything that could have bothered her!

"I'm scared..." She says all of a sudden letting go a very long sigh.

I watch her carefully as I wipe her face of the tears that are silently streaming down.

"This all feels like a dream to me and I'm afraid it might end at any moment..." She brings a hand to her face, closing her eyes, as if trying to hide.
"I know, it's stupid! I know perfectly well and I sound dumb saying these things but..."

"Hey... We said to be honest with each other, right?" I smile at her suddenly relieved.

She nods.

"So tell me whatever's on your mind... I'm here for you!"
I kiss her forehead and look into her eyes again "It's not a dream, Jo..." I smile.

"It was beautiful to walk the streets as if we were two strangers" She sighs.

"You should spend more time in London then!" I propose winking at her.

She bursts out laughing amused and I smile along with her.
It sounds like a joke, but I'm serious.

"I'm serious Jo!" I tuck a strand of her hair behind one ear.

She sighs "We have our careers... We have a lot to do before we stop somewhere." She looks at me with shining eyes.

"Take it like it's your base in London then..." I look around "If you want we'll change the decor and you can leave some of your stuff in the wardrobe"
I'm terribly serious!

Emotion as well as fear shines through her gaze.
I take her face in my hands and kiss her gently.

"It's your house too, if you want it!" I whisper on her lips "I'm not joking..."

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