Chapter 67

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I thought about it a lot, a lot actually, and even warned my mum that I would have a surprise when I got home.
Now I'm not so convinced, given Josephine's look of terror mixed with fear.

Besides, she had the nice idea of reading messages from very old conversations on WhatsApp and is now jealous as hell, over stupid things actually!

It's true, I have a lot of models as colleagues and some of them have been shamelessly hitting on me for years, some of them are really not afraid to tell me clearly that they would like to sleep with me.

Years ago I actually ended up in bed with someone, but since I've known Jo it hasn't happened anymore and I ignore the messages of that kind that I get.

In fact, I pretty much ignore them all. Even from my friends, I hardly ever reply to any text messages, I prefer to call and talk by voice.

Luckily I've kept all the messages and the ones between me and Felix that concern Jo, have cheered her up a bit, although I can see that her mood has changed considerably.
She sighs often and is agitated.

Plus, as soon as I told her that plan B would be to spend the night at my old house, she nearly has a heart attack!
I can understand that it is not so easy to think about meeting each other's family, although in this case it would be my mum and sister, not really the whole family.

I can understand her and I can see how her head is working at two thousand miles per hour thinking of all the possible scenarios that could come true when we set foot in the house.

I know very well that the house is empty these days and it seemed to me the easiest alternative, compared to barging home to Felix while he is busy with this new girl!

Staying in the chaos and drama at Morgz's house was not a viable option, unless we wanted to get involved in who knows what other borderline absurd situations!
For tonight I'd say we can just go to bed!

Returning to my old home always has something magical about it!
Sometimes I have the impression that I never left.
I still have my old room, even though I took something with me to the new house.
I have many of my clothes, photographs from when I was a child, but also those up until recently, all hanging on the wall next to the wardrobe.
Everything in my mum's house tastes good, cosy... in other words: it tastes like home.
Not that I don't like my new house, but nothing beats the old one!

I look over at Jo who is staring at something outside the window of the Uber we took.
It will be a while before we get there as my mum lives in South London.
Jo has plenty of time to think and panic even more if I can't calm her down now!

"Hey... breathe!" I lean in close to her whispering in her ear "Nothing's going to happen, seriously! I wouldn't have proposed otherwise!"

"I know, I'm not scared... I mean yes, I'm so scared!" she sighs "It's just that it's all so unexpected and I don't know what to do!" she looks at me frightened and then immediately lowers her eyes.

"We're going to walk into my old house and it's just you and me, seriously!" I caress her face "You wouldn't believe how many times I've dreamed about bringing a girl into my bed, a few years ago!" I smile trying to defuse the tension "It's like a dream come true!"

Jo lets a smile escape and takes a deep breath looking at me amused "So I'm the girl you smuggle into your room from your parents? Do I have to go through the window by any chance?" she smiles and I hope for a moment that I've dispelled the panic that was overpowering her.

"There'll be no need, we'll go in like ninjas!" I mime in a silly, uncoordinated kung-fu move and she bursts out laughing bringing a hand to her mouth to avoid making too much noise.

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