Chapter 52

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It is not really possible that I am always the last to know things!
Marie, my manager, has been missing for weeks now and I don't know anything about my future plans.
I haven't given it much thought, given the rather unsettling period I've had, but now it's time to take stock of the situation. I've had so many auditions and there's no way I don't know anything about how they went.

I snort, looking out of the window of the fake campus dormitory, during a break between filming Moxie.
The film is almost finished, we only have very few scenes to shoot and they asked me to stay on hand in case we have to shoot some scenes again. I am practically finished with my character. I have 'said goodbye' to Emma, my alter ego in this film.

I get terribly bored on set and the only distraction I have is my mobile phone.
Hero is my constant, fixed thought. Knowing him around L.A while I'm here sighing and twiddling my thumbs is torture.

I asked him to stay friends and he agreed, not very convinced actually.
I'm not convinced either, who am I kidding, but I feel like I'm in a loop: I'm always afraid of the same things and when I'm afraid I run away! I really can't take it any more... I have to break this vicious circle somehow...
I just hope he doesn't get fed up in the meantime...

I could send him a message!

Jo: Boredom... total boredom is taking over me! Tell me you're doing something fun, please!

I send the message and wait for his reply. I know how he is, he might read the message in hours or even never.

The phone starts ringing almost immediately.


He hates texting, it was predictable!

"Beautiful Aussy... how come you're bored?" he laughs as I reply.

He has a beautiful smile on his face, partially covered by his classic dark cap.

I smile reflexively. Thank goodness I'm alone in this room and no one can see me.

"I don't have any scenes to shoot. I just have to wait for the others to finish, it's torture!" I snort contritely, showing him the deserted room.

"Honey... I mean Jo" he clears his throat "My friend..." he laughs embarrassed as he removes his hat and runs a hand through his hair.

I shake my head amused.
The whole thing is absurd!

"Do you want me to pick you up?" he proposes with a hopeful look.

"I can't get out." I snort "I'm like imprisoned here."

"Then I'll be Prince Charming coming to rescue you from the tower. Is the dragon there too by any chance?"

"I'm not Rapunzel, dummy!" I burst out laughing.

"Throw me the long braid and I'll come up to you." he laughs.

"You still haven't told me what you're doing instead." I sigh, sitting down on the small sofa under the window.
You can't really tell from Hero's picture, but there seems to be the sea in the background.

"Nothing special. I went out with some friends, we're hanging out in Santa Monica." he shows me the beach and some guys walking in front of him.
I have no idea who they are, but Hero is full of friends all over the world, that's nothing new.
I immediately search with my eyes if there are any girls, but that shouldn't interest me... right?
And then, even if there is?
What would be the problem?
We are friends!

Anyway now I'm really envious.
"I'll bring you here as soon as you're done filming, how about that?"

I remain silent for a moment thinking.

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