Chapter 68

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I wake up in a room that is definitely not mine.
It's not even the room I woke up in lately, the one in Hero in London.
Oh fuck, that's right!
I'm in Hero's old house!!!
We came there last night, as his house was occupied by Felix who had... er... been busy, with a girl!
We didn't want to disturb him and so, here we are!

I turn to see if Hero is awake, but he's sleeping blissfully.
I like to watch him while he sleeps, although it may seem creepy, but it's nice to see him so relaxed.
With the work we do, we're often stressed, worried and overwrought, so it's nice to see him like that.

Above all, it's nice to be able to wake up next to him!
Lately we haven't spent a night apart and I'm already worrying about when we'll be away from each other again!
If everything goes as it should, we will still have a few months to spend together.

One thing at a time, one day at a time and we will see how we can organise this difficult long-distance relationship.

I would really like to have a normal life, without having to hide from the eyes of others, without having to lie about the fact that this beautiful boy who now sleeps by my side, is together with me.

The truth is that for now we can't and I don't even know if I will want to say it publicly in the future.
People tend to pry too much into other people's affairs, especially if the person in question works in show business.
It always seems that our lives must somehow be judged, controlled and spied on by someone else.

My life will not be like that!
If one day we happen to be caught together, well we don't have to explain ourselves.
It's our life and we do as we please. Luckily, at least as long as we're filming After, it seems Voltage is particularly obsessed with not showing us together, neither with photos nor videos.
I have no idea why, they probably want to keep a certain veil of mystery to sell the films.
It seems the obvious thing to me, but I'm not 100% sure.

I repeat: life is ours and nobody should care what we do.
Least of all a film production company, but apparently that's the way it is!

"Hey... good morning!" Hero stretches at my side and I re-emerge from thoughts, too complicated in the early morning.

"Good morning sleepyhead!" I tease him.

He bursts out laughing and welcomes me into his arms, kissing me all over.
"Look who's talking! You're still in my bed, you don't seem that awake!" he nibbles on my earlobe making me laugh even more.

"I'll make you breakfast, shall I?" I propose.

I know it's his house and it will most likely take me half an hour just looking for ingredients to prepare something, but I like to cuddle him when I can.

"Sounds good to me!" he smiles kissing me on the lips "Let's take a shower first and then go down to the kitchen?"

"A shower?" I laugh already knowing what he has in mind.

"Yeah!" he smiles mischievously. "Let's take a shower, you and me... you know that thing with soap and water?"

"Idiot!" I pat him on the back "I know what a shower is... do you want to take one with me?"

He looks around for a moment.
"I don't see anyone else in this room..." he bursts out laughing.

"You woke up nice this morning!" I shake my head as he starts tickling me.

"Oh God no, please!" I can't breathe from the laughter "Okay, okay! You convinced me!"

We look at each other in silence for a moment, genuinely happy to be together.
I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world.

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