Chapter 98

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"Hero, it's no problem if you want to wait with the crew on the dock, so you can shelter from the cold and..."

"No, it doesn't matter, I'll stay here!" I quickly reply without thinking too much.
I won't get off this boat, I won't leave Jo alone even if it's cold.
And believe me, it really is very cold!

The icy wind blows in our faces and my eyes constantly water.
My hair is too long for my taste and flutters unruly here and there without control.
Luckily they have allowed me to wear the hood of my sweatshirt and I can tame it without too much difficulty. But it's cold, wow it's cold!

Jo is shivering beside me and I pass an arm over her shoulders, bringing her closer to my body.I don't care if those who see us get strange ideas, I would have done it even if she was just my friend!

"Hero you don't have to stay here and suffer this cold unnecessarily!" Jo looks up at me as she clings a little tighter to my chest.

No one pays any attention to us as they are setting up all the equipment before we start."I'm on stage too, I don't see why I should go down and leave you here alone!" I shake my head as I roll my eyes.

"I'm not alone, there's Chance and..."

"Jo..." I interrupt and look at her intently. God I want to kiss her right now!

"I get it!" she smiles "You're a knucklehead!" she shakes her head amused "If you have a cold tomorrow, don't complain eh!"

"You're the cold one, not me!" I point out as she snuggles a little tighter to me.

I ask one of Castille's assistants if they can bring us a blanket so we can warm up a bit."And you're so sweet and thoughtful!" she whispers, leaning close to my ear.

I smile as I look at the ground, pretending not to.
I know, I worry about her constantly and I want her to be well all the time.
I can't help it, she's my priority.

"Guys so are you ready for the party?" Chance surprises us.

Meanwhile I take the blanket and wrap it around Jo who sighs relieved.

"What party?" she asks hesitantly.

"Halloween! Didn't Hero tell you?" Chance looks at me questioningly.

Fuck, I was going to forget! The party!"Right!!!" I close my eyes sighing "I didn't remember, sorry!"

"You'll have to choose which halloween costume to wear! We've decided that we're going to award a prize for the prettiest outfit, obviously pretty so to speak, since it's Halloween! Let's say the most fun of all!" Chance explains as Jo listens attentively.

"Okay and where can we get the clothes?" She asks interested.

"There's a whole room full of stage costumes waiting for you as soon as you get back to the hotel, make sure you don't reveal to anyone what your costume will be, we want the surprise effect!" Laughs Chance and I dare not imagine what he has chosen for the party!

You can expect anything! He's as crazy as Jo! In fact between jokes and silly games, these two have a great time together!
I'm not jealous, I know they're just friends and I like to see her happy so Chance likes me too, reflexively!

Jo nods and settles the blanket tighter around her body. She's still cold.
I take the opportunity to run a hand up and down her back to warm her up, especially now that no one can see us from under the blanket.

"Thank you..." she whispers, smiling and I bite my lip to avoid kissing her here, now, at this very moment.

The shooting starts and the wind seems to give us a respite every now and then.
It's not at all easy as we are on the water of course and so the waves don't help the whole shot stand still either.

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