Chapter 82

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I am free.
Yes, shout it to the world: Josephine Langford can finally get out of this damn room!

The irony in all this is what?
That I leave one room to enter another!
I would laugh if I didn't also feel like crying at the same time.

The security people are gradually moving us all to the 24th floor.
The entire cast has completed the quarantine and fortunately no one has tested positive.
So far this is a great achievement, given the shit times we are going through globally.

Sometimes I feel like someone is playing Jumanji and hasn't finished the game!

"Finally we meet in person!!!"
Chance greets me with a big smile as soon as I set foot, full of suitcases, on the 24th floor.

"Hey!!! Nice to meet you!!!" I smile.

"Come on, I'll give you a hand!" he walks over and grabs a suitcase.

"Oh God thanks! They're so heavy!!!" I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hey Jo!"
I turn to a voice I know very well and never tire of hearing.
I smile and bite my lip.
We stayed together all night and he escaped to his room at the crack of dawn.

It was great to be able to spend time with him again, even though I still have several things to understand and clarify.

"I'll help you too!" he walks past me, brushing my arm.
He smiles and lowers his gaze.
I love the dimples on the sides of his mouth that form when he smiles.

He's adorable.

He grabs my suitcase and a bag I'm holding and walks down the corridor.

"Hey Hi!" He smiles at Chance holding out his hand "Nice to finally meet you!You're Chance...right?"

"That's right! I see you've been studying!" he bursts out laughing.

"Jo told me about you!"

Is he jealous of him, by any chance?
I chuckle at the thought.

"I hope she didn't tell you about all the pranks I played on her!" he looks at me wide-eyed.

"I only told him about those!" I burst out laughing.

"What a shitty figure!" he shakes his head. "But I'm proud of it!" he boasts, puffing up his chest.

"Oh you won't be so happy when the real battle starts!" I joke.

But it's true that I love making these silly jokes, just like him!

"I'd take her seriously, if I were you!" smiles Hero placing the suitcase he was holding on the ground "She has a weird sense of humour, but she's her own way!" he looks at me amused.

He loves to annoy me and I love it when he does, even though I would never admit it!

I pat him on the back pretending to be offended.
"Don't provoke me, Fiennes!"

"How scary!!!" he teases me, bursting out laughing. "When you call me by just one of the last names, I tremble with fear!!!"

"Should I try Beauregard? Or Faulkner?" I look at him amused.

"No, for goodness sake! You only use those when you're really angry! Please!" he brings a hand to his chest dramatically.
What an actor! It has to be said!

"Be careful!"
I would like to kiss him. Right here. Right now.
I bite my lips and lower my gaze.

"Be careful you, Miss Langford! I take a moment to get my revenge then, you know!" he winks at me and my heart skips a beat.

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