Chapter 74

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As if I didn't already have a thousand commitments during the day, now the interviews for the promotion of After We Collided will also begin.

"You should have time to change and run home, just don't waste time as usual!" Jamie scolds me as we arrive at the photo studios for yet another fashion campaign.

She has concentrated all his commitments now, after months of stop and I feel like I've been plunged into the centre of a tornado. I don't even have time to breathe!

"Okay, don't worry!" I sigh "You know I'm doing everything I can!"

"I know, but these are the only days you have, we can't slow down now!"

I run a hand through my hair and push open the door to enter the large building housing the Ferragamo shoot.
"Hey Hero! Welcome back!" Kassie greets me at the reception desk "They're waiting for you on the third floor! have a great day!"

I thank her and take the lift up with Jamie, super stressed these days.
Let's say more stressed than usual!

Crazy rumours are circulating on the internet about me and she is working to have them removed from the web. It's not such an easy task, especially since the person or persons who enjoy making these things up have to be identified first.
For now, I am not worried since she has everything under control.
I honestly don't even know what kind of news it is, I asked not to know.
I can't get distracted now, especially before shooting the films in Bulgaria with Jo.
I have to be focused!

The day goes on without a hitch, fortunately. On the set I'm alone and it doesn't take long before the photographer is satisfied with the shots.

"Well Hero, see you soon!" he dismisses me and I can finally go home.

Just enough time to take a shower and link up for interviews.

If nothing else, I get to see Jo. That's the only good thing in this welter of commitments.

The warm water runs over me and I close my eyes, savouring the feeling of relaxation, as if time had stopped.
I take a deep breath and organise my ideas. Jamie has given me a sheet of paper, written by the After production, listing the things we absolutely must not say about the film.
I mentally repeat them to myself as if they were some kind of mantra.
It won't be a problem, I am good at keeping secrets and deflecting questions when they are too uncomfortable.

I go out and wrap myself in the warm towel. It feels good to be home!

The mobile phone rings and vibrates by the washbasin.

Josephine - Facetime

My heart races. It always gives me a strange effect to see her name on the screen.

"My love!" I answer her immediately.

"Hey Ferragamo super model!" she teases me, smiling. "How hot are you!"

"I just got out of the shower!" I show her my bathrobe.

"I noticed it by the wet hair!" she smiles and settles on the bed.

How I wish I could be there with her right now.

"See you in a bit for the interview?" she asks hopefully.

"Of course! I won't leave you alone!" I wink at her.

"For a moment I was afraid you wouldn't make it in time..." she sighs.

"Don't worry, I did everything super fast so I could make it to the appointment on time!"

"How did the photoshoot go?" she fixes her hair behind her ears and looks at me attentively.
Her sky-blue eyes capture me like a magnet, I'd spend hours looking at her.

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