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Megatron was walking looking for his son until someone bumped into him. He looked down and saw his son. Megatron bent down. Son, what is it? What's wrong? Megatron looked down and saw a photo. Son, what's that in your hand? SkyDread didn't say anything. Megatron lifted his son's chin with his digit. Son. Tell me what is troubling you. I can sense it. SkyDread sighs. Sire. Who's this guy with carrier. Why is it not you? Megatron took the photo. He then realized why his son was asking him this question.

Son. Uh. Your carrier was with someone else at the time. This mech that's in this photo with your carrier is your brother SkyQuaker's father. Megatron lifted SkyDread up. You see, son. During the time when your carrier was with him she actually lost him because he was killed by one of my seekers. Oh. Then how did you guys get together? Well, your brother needed a sire figure in his life. And I took full responsibility to be a sire figure for him. And later on down the line that's when I knew that I had feelings for your carrier. Oh. So is SkyQuaker's sire like my sire then. Megatron chuckled. No. You are mine and your carriers sparkling.

I walked out of the med bay with my wounds healed. I looked and saw Megatron walking and talking to my son. Megatron looked and saw you. He walked over to you. I looked down and saw a photo of me and Dreadwing. I gently took the photo. TailGlider you alright. I looked at Megatron. Somewhat. I still miss him. Where did you find this Megatron? I didn't, SkyDread did. And he asked a lot of questions.

I looked at him and I looked at my son. Carrier. Why didn't you tell us that you had someone else. I looked at my son. Well, it's because I am just like your father. I don't like talking about much but I don't try to bottle it up. But sometimes me and your brother SkyQuaker talk about his father. He asks a lot of questions about him. Because he never got to see him personally. Well, he only got to see him when he was a sparkling. But his sire never got to see his son grow up.

SkyDread looked at his sire. Sire, what did she mean about you? Well, son. Megatron reached in his chest and pulled out a chain with a locket. You smiled. It was a gift that you gave him with a photo of him and his wife and son. Megatron took the locket and opened it. Megatron pointed at the picture. See son. That's FlightStorm, which at one point she was my wife. But I lost her during the war. And next to me and her is my son. His name was Dragonstorm. Sire. What happened to your son? Megatron looked the other way but looked back at his son. I…I lost him at the same time I lost his carrier.

Oh. I didn't mean to bring her and your son up, sire. Megatron smiled. It's fine son. You are just asking questions. It's just that a lot of times me and your carrier don't like to talk about things like this. But your carrier is right. It's never good to bottle things up. I smiled. Soon we both walked all together talking about everything on what SkyDread wanted to know. SkyDread was really confused but soon he started to understand what they meant. So is there anything else you like to know about SkyDread. Uh. No sire. I think that is it. He then kissed his sire's cheeks. Sire please put me down. Megatron put SkyDread down and off it went. Megatron chuckled. I then went and pulled Megs closer to me. Megatron chuckled. I love you TailGlider. I love you too Megs. We then both went in for a kiss. We stopped then we walked off heading to our quarters.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction TailGlider and Dreadwing Part 2Where stories live. Discover now