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Mmm,mm sure. I then started to walk off when I felt someone pulling me back. Gasp. Soon before I knew it I was kissing Megatron. I slightly moaned. Megatron chuckled. Soon our doors opened. Ewww. Gross. We both looked still having our lips locked on each other. I chuckled inside. I backed up and headed to the washroom.

Father, try not to do it when we aren't around. Well, you guys weren't around. Oh, that reminds me. He looked and ushered his children to come over. SkyQuaker, and Flight-Dragon-Storm walked over. What. What dad? Shh. Now listen, your mother's birthday is in 2 days. Don't say anything to her about what we are doing. The kids smiled. Okay. They went off and thought of a gift for your birthday.

I was in the washroom until I felt a sharp pain going through my shoulder. Aargh. Megatron was in the other room when he heard you. TailGlider. I was sitting on the chair rubbing my back shoulder. Soon I saw Megatron. Honey, are you okay. He walked over and bent down. I don't know, Megs. There was a sharp pain that went through my back shoulder.

Megatron got up and walked over to his cabinet and took out a lotion that you got for him. I looked and saw him taking out and walking over with the lotion I got him. Megs I give that to you. Yes, I know my dear. But it's for both of us. He sat down and opened the bottle. Aargh. TailGlider how long has this been going on. I don't know. Soon I felt the coldness. Oohoo. That's cold Megs. He chuckled. I probably slept wrong. Maybe. But if this happens again let me know my dear.

SkyQuaker was busy. He was walking, not paying attention until he tripped. But someone caught him. He looked but didn't see anyone. Sire. Thank you, sire. He walked and went his way. He got done. And he went to tell his parents what had happened.

I was sitting on Megatron's lap in the washroom. We were having our little cuddles when we heard our son calling for us. We're in here, son. Said Megatron. Soon we saw our son. Oh, uh. Son, your father was just putting lotion on my back. So what's up? Uh, I almost had an accident in my room. What. Are you okay? Yes. But I think my sire Dreadwing saved me. I wasn't watching where I was going. You aren't hurt are you. No mom. I am fine. But I thought I wanted to let you know. Because I was thinking maybe he would tell you. I chuckled. Yes, he probably would.

It was getting late and Megatron walked and went to talk to his kids about your birthday. SkyQuaker was reading and saw his father. Dad. Son. Have you thought about what to get your mother for her birthday? Her birthday is in about 2 days. Yeah I know. I found a photo of her and sire.

Megatron walked over and looked at it and smiled. She'll like this. Now head for bed. Yes dad. Megatron walked out. Flight-Dragon-Storm already messaged her father about what she is getting for her mother. He walked and saw you fast asleep on the berth. He walked over and slid on and drifted off to sleep.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction TailGlider and Dreadwing Part 2Where stories live. Discover now