"Oh no not at all, that was just the start. Next up are the red panda's. Im sure they would love something to eat." Robert tells me.
My mind is blown, "really? Oh I love red pandas"
We arrive at their enclosure and now we are both allowed to go inside. I already spotted them high in the leaves, but as soon as they notice us coming in they come down to see if we brought food.
Bindi went into a small shed and comes out with two bowls of different foods.
We are allowed to feed them and they are so soft and cute. Normally in the zoo you would see them from a distance, but now I'm feeding them and I can touch them.

"Are you scared of reptiles?" Robert asks me and I shake my head.
"Not at all, I just don't like spiders." I say before realizing they must have massive spiders here.
"By the end of the day you won't be scared anymore. I guarantee you that." He states and I laugh. We'll see about that.
He takes us to another enclosure. This time I get to meet a Komodo Dragon. He's massive, but very calm and I actually get to touch his tough skin.

I thought that would be it, but next thing I know we are inside the meerkat enclosure being surrounded by cheeky little meerkats.
We sit down on a big rock and they are all over us. One actually climbing on Daniels head and I have one on my lap.
I always feel the urge to start singing 'Hakuna Matata' when I see these little rascals.
"I thought they would be heavier, but they are so light." I say when one sits on my hands.
"They are, they weigh less than a kilo. But aren't they the cutest?" Robert glows when he talks about the animals we have met so far.

"They sure are. I love their personalities as well. They are so curious and not shy at all." One of them puts her little hands on mine, they are tiny.
"They are used to interact with people, we just want our guests to be able to experience how amazing these animals are. And hopefully that will help them be aware of what we are doing to their habitats and lives." Robert explains passionate.

"You look so much like your father. I'm sure he is looking down at you guys with so much pride." I say thinking about Steve and his legacy. His children and his wife are definitely continuing his amazing work.

"I like to think he is. It's all thanks to him we are able to do this." Robert says also so proud of his dad.
"Ready for our next stop?"
"Sure, keep it coming, I hardly think it can get better."
He proves me wrong.
We go to the Regal Eagle next, what a stunning bird, so majestic. Next are the otters, they are just as cheeky as the meerkats.

Then I'm amazed again. In a massive pasture we get to see the rhinos from up close. I even get to touch one and I know these magnificent animals are getting extinct because of poachers. It's so sad to realize that so few of them remain.
"I hope our kids and our grandkids and their kids will be able to see these amazing animals in real life and not just on video footage or pictures." Daniel says as we feed the rhinos some vegetables.
"Yeah me too, just look at them. They are so beautiful, they take my breath away."

Once the food is done the rhinos lose interest and walk away.
"Now I think the next animals we're going to meet will make you even happier." Bindi is now with us as Robert has to go to feed the crocs for the visitors.
"This day has already been amazing, so I'm very excited to see what you have planned for me next."

"Well were going to visit one of Australias favorite animals."
She stops in front of the koala enclosure and lets us in.
"Are you kidding me right now?!" I see a koala sitting on branch and I instantly fall in love.
"I'm not, we can't skip these babies can we?"
Bindi walks up to one of the koalas. She picks it up and it clings onto her.
"How gorgeous is she huh?" She comes over to us and puts the koala in my arms.
I actually tear up holding this soft, ball of fur.
She grabs me with her little hands as if she is holding on to a tree.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now