Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 The Child Is Born

    Moore recalled what Esther had said the last time they parted.

    It turned out that he had expected such a day would come.

    "I can call 100 people to your place to search and rescue within five minutes, and I can also call the most advanced medical spaceship of country R and a group of the best medical team of the Slott family."

    "My lord , now, are you willing to marry me?" Iser asked again, his tone full of confidence.

    "Okay." Moore replied hoarsely, "I want Ji Feicheng and the child to be safe, and if you can do it, I will promise you."

    She can't afford to bet on Ji Feicheng or the child's life.

    Iser on the other end of the phone smiled softly and said, "My lord, please rest assured that everything will go as you wish."

    Five minutes later, the roar of the spaceship pierced the night sky, and in the blink of an eye a group of well-trained black men Assemble before Moore.

    Later, Shan Yan and Ji Peinan who came with the security guards of the villa, and the relatives of Ji's family who came to watch the fun together were startled by the scene in front of them.

    Ji Peinan exclaimed: "Fuck, Moore, what's going on?"

    Shan Yan thought there was danger, and signaled the security guards to stop those people.

    But the security guards were no match for those people. They stepped forward bravely, but because of their timidity, their aura was obviously much worse than that of the opponent.

    The blond boy came forward from behind the crowd. His expression was calm, his steps were fast, but he was not panic-stricken, and his gestures and gestures were all very elegant.

    All eyes were on Yiser, his blond hair and beautiful eyes were too eye-catching, someone exclaimed: "It's a nobleman!"

    But why did the nobles come here in such a big battle all of a sudden?

    Seeing that person walking straight towards them, Shan Yan pulled Moore and motioned her to back away.

    However, before Moore could move, Esther stopped first.

    He stood at a distance not far from Moore, raised his right hand to his chest, and knelt down on one knee toward Moore.

    This is the standard audience etiquette among nobles.

    A dense crowd of people also followed his movements and knelt down together.

    "What... what's going on." Ji Peinan, who was following Moore, was taken aback, and he said in a trembling tone, "Who are these people?"

    Esther looked up at Moore, with an expression on his face. With a smile, he said in a respectful tone: "My lord."

    What kind of identity can a person who can be called a lord by a nobleman have.

    "Mu...Muer...Are you a nobleman?" Ji Peinan's tone was shocked.

    How is this possible? There are rumors in the school that Moore is just an orphan who was abandoned in an orphanage since he was a child.

    The Ji family who followed behind also exclaimed, because they guessed that Moore's identity was mysterious because of the brooch, but they didn't expect that she turned out to be a distinguished nobleman.

    Moore looked at Iser, his face turned cold.

    He did it on purpose.

    In this way, her identity was disclosed, so that she had no room to hide.

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