Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 You Are Responsible

    Moore thought she would be taken to the company in Jifei City or something, but unexpectedly, she was taken directly to the villa in Jifei City.

    Invite someone you've never met into your house for a conversation? Moore found this behavior very strange.

    However, although she has never met Ji Feicheng, but after listening to his lectures and news about him, Moore felt that even if Ji Feicheng favored his younger sister, he would not be unreasonable. She was not worried about herself. safety.

    If she didn't meet Ji Feicheng in this way, she thought she would feel very honored and excited.

    But now being brought here half-forced, her respect for Ji Fei City has turned into resistance.

    The man who sent Moore stopped at the door of the villa and asked her to go in alone.

    The door has been opened, and Moore can vaguely see a black figure sitting on the sofa in the living room through the carvings in the entrance.

    The living room was empty, only that one person, he should be Ji Feicheng.

    Moore stood at the door and hesitated for a while, then opened the door and went in.

    She walked very slowly, and it took her a while to walk past the carved flowers at the entrance.

    The line of sight was finally unobstructed, and the figure of the man in front of him became clear.

    At a glance, there was no difference as she saw in the photo.

    Black ironed suit, sitting upright.

    The light was poured from the gorgeous crystal lamp on the top of the living room. He sat under the light, his eyelids were slightly drooped, and Moore could clearly see that even his eyelashes were haloed.

    I don't know if it's because the light in the room is too dazzling or something else, Moore felt dazzled for a moment.

    The man seemed to be aware of her arrival, and turned his head to look at her.

    Those black eyes looked clear, and Moore slowly came back to his senses under his gaze.

    Seeing Moore, Ji Feicheng put his fingers on his lower abdomen unconsciously, and looked at her with a somewhat complicated expression, he said: "Sit down."

    Moore approached him slowly, his heart beating fast unconsciously.

    To be honest, when she met the real person Ji Feicheng, all the reluctance in her heart disappeared in an instant.

    Moore sat down stiffly opposite Jifei City.

    But Ji Feicheng didn't speak for a long time after she sat down, but kept looking at her.

    "Sir, you..."

    Moore was embarrassed and nervous, she lowered her head, not daring to look at the person opposite.

    Why don't you admit it? Hurry up and expose this matter, if this continues, it will be too tortured.

    Moore pursed his lips, and said again: "I'm about your sister..."

    "I'm sorry, I didn't educate her well." Ji Feicheng's voice came.

    "...Ah" Moore's tone hesitated, and he didn't understand the meaning of his words for a moment.

    Ji Feicheng said in an apologetic tone: "I will discipline her strictly from now on."


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