61. The Air at Sea

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The second I get around the corner and out of his sight I cover my mouth and laugh my ass off.

His face going back and forth between confusion, horror, confusion, disgust, and confusion again was hilarious.

I was just fucking with him but the more horrified he was the more I wanted to tease him.

I mean it is the very least I can do that dickhead fucked my Arie.

The thought turns my stomach. He says this is what they always do.
Am I supposed to just get used to it?
Accept that if something bad happens or Arie and I fight she'll run to him?

If something upsets her can I comfort her or will she prefer him?

My chest feels tight so I force my self to breath deeply and get a grip.

I don't have time to torture myself. If Arie needs me I'll go to her no matter how I'm feeling.
Maybe then she'll see that I can comfort her.

My phone dings and I check the notification.

It's my dad reminding me that he made a reservation for 7:30pm at Chez Lui.
It's an upscale French/Asian fusion restaurant that just opened in the town center.

Fuck, I had totally forgotten.

I exhale in frustration. My father and uncle insist on having meals with me weekly. But they hate each other so even though I love eating with both of them keeping it separate feels cumbersome.

Why can't these old men just mend fences already? They both love the same people- my mom and me shouldn't that alone bring them together?

My Uncle Jayce hates my dad for being white and coming from colonizers. My dad hates Uncle Jayce for being a "criminal" and being a controlling big brother when my mom was still alive.

Which is all stupid reasons. My dads ancestors are my ancestors. But my Uncle Jayce insists it's different because I don't look at all white so I can't benefit from my white privilege. Even though I have been privileged all my life cause my fathers a politition.

Also, Uncle Jayces businesses maybe sketchy but he's hardly a thug. And as far as I'm concerned any shortcuts or taxes he forgets to pay are reparations our ancestors deserved.

My brain is packed with all the things I'm supposed to be keeping straight. I need to make sure the teams ready for the season starting. Babysit Blue so he does what he needs to do and keep him off Arie. Aries devastated and I want to comfort her but I'm unsure how while also keeping her off Blues dick. Make sure I keep up with the meals my uncle and dad schedule. Not beat Trent to death. That takes a lot of mental energy as well.
Watch Blue so he doesn't beat Trent to death.

Fuck, we still haven't successfully grocery shopped and meal prepped.

Man, I need to make a list or something cause I feel like I'm forgetting stuff.

I'm still contemplating all this when I get outside. The team has finally showed up...late.

They are all waiting by my car including Blue. I thought he would have left already.

I walk around the crowd to the drivers side to open my door.

"Hey dick!" Tye calls and I know he's talking to me.

"What asshole?" I grumble.

"You're the asshole! You said it was mandatory for us to work out on the schedule but you're leaving?"

I lean in and toss my gym bag behind the passenger seat before answering.

I lean onto the roof of the car wearily.

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