50. Bickering Brothers

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Arie continued......

We stand on opposite sides of my bed while glaring daggers back and forth trying to catch our breath.

"You are so fucking annoying!" He snaps after a few minutes.

I shrug.

He cuts his eye at me before turning his back to leave.

"Where are you going?" I call after him.

"I'm leaving!"

"How?" I ask as I pull his car keys from the pocket of his hoodie.

I shake the key ring and he slowly turns to look at me. His expression makes it obvious he forgot he placed them in his hoodie and not the pocket of his jeans.

"Fuck." He mutters before quickly walking towards me. I step up onto my mattress to get away from him but he leans forward the foot of the bed and takes hold of my ankle.

I instantly lose balance and fall forward hard. I fall against my tummy and bounce up before settling. I snap my head back to look at him stunned.

Why the fuck is his arms so long?

He barely reached and caught me easily.

Trish pulls me by the ankle before starting to climb over my legs.  I quickly shove the keys down the front of my pants to hide them.

He takes hold of my elbow roughly as he rolls me over onto my back.

He glares down at me and I glare harder.

"Why are you such an asshole? I'm not even bothering you." He says as we both breath heavily.

"You don't think it will bother me if you fall asleep on the highway?!"

"You care all of a sudden?"

"If you die? Don't ask stupid questions."

He rolls his eyes, "I'm not dealing with you." He says as he moves to climb off me.

My hands move before brain thinks and I take hold of his shirt.
"Where are you going?" I ask him again.

He stares down at my comforter as his jaw tightens in anger.

A whole minute passes without either of us saying anything but he doesn't try to pull away. He knows what will happen if he does.

"Pharmacy." He replies finally.

"I'll drive you." I tell him again.

He turns his head slowly to look down at my hand. I tighten my grip and pull him against me.

I want to see his face more clearly. His sunglasses must of fallen off sometime during our tussle  revealing everything I couldn't see before.

The whites of his eyes are bloodshot and his dark circles are not only swollen but have a sickly bluish hue to them.

My heart aches.
He never used to get under eye bags. Is it getting worse?

I can't recall him ever looking this haggard.

I gently stroke his face, "How many nights." I ask.

His gaze once again leaves my face to stare at my comforter.

"Why are you pretending to care?" He mutters with angry furrowed brows.

I take a frustrated breath.

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