25. One-sided? When?

195 5 2


Why does he look so sullen?
I think as Tee appears and takes the empty seat beside me as the nail technician puts the finishing touches on my nails. I didn't pay for it so I told her go crazy with the crystals.

"Did you see the bill?" I ask tentatively.

He lifts his head to look at me with a frown.
"Why are you asking?"

"You look bummed. I can pay-

He cuts me off.
"It isn't about the bill. Arie why didn't you ever tell me about Trent and his lackeys fucking with you in school?"

I'm completely caught of guard and my mouth dries.

"Why are you bringing that up?"

"Bryce told me. Why didn't you?"

His blue eyes look dark with rage. I look down at my nails. I feel so ashamed.

"I don't want to talk about this." I mutter.

"No. We are going to talk about this. You are going to tell me everything he did. I thought he just called you bad words sometimes but Bryce said he threatened and assaulted you. I will fucking knock out every one of his teeth next time-

"Stop. This is exactly why I didn't tell you." I snap. I lift my gaze to meet his anger head on.

"You have a reputation and a sports career to worry about. You don't need to be getting in trouble on account of the low life likes of Trent. If I would have told have you would have done something stupid and the sheriff would have locked you up."

"It isn't on account of Trent it's on account of you. Tell me what he did Arie."

"I won't if you're going to act like this. I'll only tell if you promise not to go after him."

"This isn't a negotiation. Meet us at the car when you are done. You and I are going to have a long talk the moment we are alone." He says already standing out of his seat and storming off.


The ride back to my house was very heavy. Tee is obviously angry but it caught me off guard that even Bryce was heavy with tension. The moment Tee stops the car Demi and Bryce get out. I go to open my door but Tee stops me.

He waits for Demi and Bryce to disappear into the house before speaking.

The moment the door closes behind them Tees grip on my fore arm loosens and he takes my hand instead.

"Tell me Arie..all of it please."

I take a deep breath feeling cornered as hell. I don't even know where to start.

"He was just really mean to me." I mumble after a minute.

Tee squeezes my hand in reprimand. "It wasn't just that. He scared you, and assaulted you. Do not down play it any longer and tell me the truth." His tone is soft as he pleads.

"But I don't want you to get in trouble."

"I promise you I won't do anything stupid and throw my life away. Just please be honest with me Arie. It hurts me to know you hid this for so long."

I look into his icy blue eyes asking my self what to do. I hate talking about this with him but he is adamant. When Tee gets this way he won't let it go.

After a while I take a deep breath, "It started in 9th grade. It wasn't a big deal at first...


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