57. Shards

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Nickie didn't say much after the impromptu audition. I assumed she would just tell me I wasn't a fit and let me go. Instead she grabbed Carter and Raven and stormed out of the dance room.

"I'll text you." She says over her shoulder to no one in particular.

I shrug she probably would have told me something if anything was meant to come of it.

I look around and immediately feel out of place. Now that the only three girls I was speaking two left I realized just how awkward it felt being where I didn't belong.

Trish must have sensed my unease cause he suggested we head to the supermarket before it got any later and Caleb agreed.

Trish places his hand beneath my arm pits, lifts me up, and places me inside the buggy.

I thought to complain and say that I had outgrown doing that but in all actuality I haven't.

Trish leans forward onto the cart railing as he pushes it slowly while Caleb inspects and tosses produce onto my lap.

I suck on the blue raspberry ring pop Caleb bought me as a treat for being so brave. His words but the way he said them made me feel shy.

"So spill." Trish says after a while of silence.


"You danced at a club?"

"Oh. Yeah."

"What type of place hires someone whose so young and looks even younger?"

"Bryce's older sister manages one of the biggest gay clubs in Miami. She introduced me to the owner he was fond of me."

"Fond of you?"

I giggle at the memory, "Asked me to be his sugar baby actually."

"You declined?"

I frown, "No, I accepted that's why I'm presently on his yacht." I say sarcastically.

"Who really even knows with you?" Trish mutters and I roll my eyes.

Here we go. I mentally prepare myself for the coming bitch fit. He acts this way when he feels the need to scold me for my 'unpredictable behavior' as he likes to call it.

The fun police is on duty once again. For such a man whore he can be a real fuddy-duddy when it comes to me.

Caleb places a bag of bright colored peppers on my lap.

"Why did you quit?" Trish asks me.

"Two reasons. Older gay men are ridiculously fresh and handsy and word got back to my uncle Leo. He said if I didn't quit he would rat me out to mom. He wasn't prepared to be murdered by his younger sister cause I'm foolish we're his exact words."

"You are foolish. I just don't understand you sometimes. I knew you would go wild I never imagined you would be that out of control." Trish scolds.

"I wasn't out of control -I was having fun grandad. And you're one to talk with your x rated exploits and underage drinking. All I did was dance for some perverts and made hella good tips."

Caleb chuckles, "How good?"

I shrug, "If I had boobs I would of made a killing."

"Boobs are nice." Caleb chimes and he hands me a crisp bag of spinach.

"I could have paid for a shiny new set if I worked a few more months. Never know, I might check out the scene here if I want extra money. Apparently I'm really good at it."

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