43. -Murder Business-

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I watch from inside the lobby hallway as Caleb and Tee drive away.

"What the fuck is this?"

I really hope they are not driving off to beat each other to a bloody pulp.

I walk back to the apartment in a daze.

"Now what?"

What if they come back and both decide to dump me?

I groan aloud as I walk into my closet and shut the door behind me.

I'll just visit my shoes. I sit Indian style and stare at all the beautiful heels Aunt Aubrey just gave me.

I pick up the lavender Versace platform pumps and slip them on my feet. So pretty I think to myself as I study them on my feet.

My phone rings on the carpet beside me. I snatch it up hoping it's Caleb.

It's Bryce.

I accept the call and his face appears on my screen.

"What are you doing Angel?" He asks with a smile.

I pout at him, "Visiting my shoes and preparing myself for either a funeral or being dumped."

Bryce tilts his head as he considers this, "Are those the only choices?"

I shrug.

"What happened babe?"

I scratch my scalp in agitation.

"I don't even know Bryce. Trish came home saying all this stuff right in front of Caleb."

"What stuff?"

"He apologized to both of us for basically acting like a dick for years and years. Then he got down on his knees and thanked me for being there for him and other stuff. Then suddenly he said he was in love with me. He turned to Caleb and basically slapped him in the face with a glove and challenged him to a duel."


"He told Caleb he isn't stepping out of our relationship because he is in love with me. And Caleb basically said the same thing. Both are refusing to back down. And then Trish kissed me, right in front of Caleb."

Bryce Gasps.
"What did you do?"

"I completely froze."

"What is this? The plot to a telenovela?"

"Nope. It's my life." I mutter.
"And now they both disappeared."

"What do you mean?"

"Caleb said he wanted to talk to Trish and they drove off together."

"To go where?"

"I told you. To either kill each other, or Caleb will feel bad and decide to break up with me."

"But he said he wouldn't step out of the way."

"Yeah, but he's known Trish longer. I want them to make up and I don't want to lose Caleb..or Trish."

"You like Caleb that much?"

"Bryce I really do. Before he left he said that he is going to fight for me but felt that he was at a disadvantage cause I'm actually in love with Tee. The look in his eye Bryce he was devastated. He even told me that.....

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