55. Wait! What?

42 2 5


Man...This is hella fucking boring.

I observe as Trish and Caleb take turns spotting on the weight bar.

I sit across from them on a bench crunching a 5 pound  weight trying to look interested.

After Caleb insulted everyone the room got eerily quiet and focused.

The only sounds are the clinking of weights and occasionally groans and huffs.

I'm pleasantly surprised that I find myself in a room filled with sweaty, shirtless, hot bodied football players with ripped muscles and I'm craving a day nap. My inner slut hasn't made a peep since Caleb fucked me to within an inch of meeting the grim reaper.

You in there?
I chuckle to myself...guess not.

For the first twenty or so minutes I was jealous and a bit horny being surrounded by manly pheromones and hard bodies. But after about an hour I have settled into how fucking ridiculously boring this atmosphere is.

I set down the weight and walk over to the mirrored wall behind me to check my reflection. I check my hair and eyeliner and remind myself not to compare my body to the Adonis's behind me.

I take my time observing each guy
in the mirror assuming this way will be less conspicuous. My eyes linger on a tall brown skinned guy that is  nearly completely covered in tattoos. He has bleach blonde curly hair and eyes as fierce as Caleb's.

Our gaze catch and my heart flutters. He smiles and winks at me and I quickly look away.

Slutty Arie was super tempted to wink back but I swiftly pushed that desperate urge away.
Guess she did survive the excessive pounding Caleb gave us.

Dear god I need to get a mental grip.

I have both hands full currently trying to navigate the chaos in my life. I can't afford a mental breakdown as well.

I observe my boys working out together. Should I even be here? I feel like my presence only serves to distract them from their friendship.

I don't want that. I love the way Caleb takes care of Trish. I don't want to mess that up cause whatever Trish says the fact that he allows this speaks volumes.

It means he's somewhat comfortable with Caleb in spite of everything that's happened.

Trish doesn't even let his mom coddle him. He only lets me.

Does he know? Is he aware Caleb is coddling him?
I consider this as I watch Caleb roughly wipe sweat off of Trish's neck with a small black towel.

I sigh aloud as I contemplate all the complicated and contradictory emotions Trish makes me feel.

Never have I  felt burdened despite the fact that I feel relieved Caleb is there to support Trish as well.

Caleb adds one more weight plate on each bar as Trish does a few stretches to prepare himself.

I walk over to stand nearer to them.
"How much weight is that?" I ask.

"Not much, 125." Caleb says.

"That's more than me."

"I can do more." He says with a smirk.


"Will you cheer when it's my turn?"

"You still peddling that tired dream?" I say as I roll my eyes.

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